GameClub Mage Gauntlet (by Rocketcat Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. PixyJunket

    PixyJunket Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to feel some fatigue hitting the tower levels in Master Mode, I'm going to have to change my strategy. I've been rolling most of the game with the Arcane Heart/Hungry Sword combo, but I have a feeling the next six levels are going to require something a little smarter.

    Maybe Crystal Staf/Archmage Mantle? Magic does seem sparse in this area so far.
  2. twiegp

    twiegp Member

    Aug 20, 2011
    The big advantage of Heavy Cleaver is that there are many enemies that can be killed in one shot rather than two by it. Especially for enemies that are knocked back by hits (and you subsequently have to chase down to hit again), this is *huge*. The only time I've swapped out from Heavy Cleaver is when dealing with enemies that will take advantage of temporary gaps in defense (basically any quick-moving enemy that spawns en masse, such as green slimes or pawns.)

    Overall though I do wish that more of the weapons/armor were "viable", or at least had particular niche uses. Of course, this is a problem of not having them itemized for some to be higher-level than others through stat bonuses. Still.
  3. Zeratulz

    Zeratulz Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2010
    #1123 Zeratulz, Nov 4, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2011
    Just finished the game and I have a few questions. There are spoilers below so do not read.

    Spoiler: So I pray in MM I get to kill this POS Whitebeard, omg I was so angry at the ending.
    I'm looking forward to getting the nice items in MM and going back and beating the hell of out the levels that gave me a very hard time. Kepa, thank you for an amazing game. I can't wait for future updates to MG and new RPG's you put out. I'm a dedicated fan now. I only ask you put more RPG (perhaps, spells are kept in a spell book and have charges and can be recharged via Urns, a combo attack for the sword, nothing fancy even if it's just different animations, etc.) Overall this is one of the best iPhone games I have ever played.

    EDIT: Thanks Ashflow!
  4. Ashflow

    Ashflow Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    There's a spoiler tag button in the reply page that you can press to make text surrounded by a black bar. The button is black and white, with the letters "Spoi". Shouldn't be hard to find :) (Maybe edit your post when you find it...)

    Rocketcat Rules!
  5. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Can I ask what Gnomey's power even is? I'm almost all the way through the game, 3 starring everything including MM, and I don't know what Gnomey does besides have text bubbles appear. I thought when it said Rainbow and Friendship, that was just a joke, and he didn't actually do much. What's he do?
  6. Nightmare13

    Nightmare13 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2010
    IT Programming
    Chicago, IL
    It is a joke... he doesn't do anything. No, that's a lie. He motivates you! "Look Out!" "It's Hurgoth!"... :D
  7. Ashflow

    Ashflow Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    Like Nightmare13 said, it is a joke. As was my description of the color-changing robe. 100x damage to ink wraiths would be only slightly more powerful (because it actually does something :p) than Gnomey's "Rainbows and Friendship" buff. Ink wraiths are just the tutorial enemies.

    P.S. There should totally be a giant ink wraith as an optional boss in the next game called the Monochrome Menace.
  8. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    #1128 Kepa, Nov 4, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2011
    Where can I watch this?

    I like Heavy Cleaver, personally. Giantslayer doesn't catch up unless you're fighting an enemy that takes more than 5 hits to down. You can also dash-cancel the slow recovery time of Heavy Cleaver to kill something fast that would otherwise take three hits. Though yeah, in the sequel we'll differentiate it more so it feels like an axe. Though increasing the knockback would actually be a bad thing, as it means you have to run to hit them again which means less damage over time.

    End of Hope additionally does the same extra pain effect that Corruption does, maybe slightly weaker. If you wail on an enemy with it, they'll take longer to attack due to the extra delay. I'll probably buff the effect so it's more noticeable, but in beta I was worried the former power would have been too strong (as long as you were willing to be reckless, you could prevent most enemies from getting more than one or two attacks off).

    The idea that it would be a really weak version of acid cloud, but it would happen fairly often. A little over double the frequency of Inferno Blade/Crystal staff, in exchange for a weaker effect. Also, you'd still get normal physical crits.

    Punishment and Magekiller still get physical critical hits, unlike End of Hope. End of Hope is also faster than Punishment. I'm going to add a knockdown effect to Punishment's proc to make it a little more appealing. Though I probably won't add the same effect to End of Hope, instead buffing its pain effect.

    Saw that the robes were sort of lame, but couldn't change them in development without changing the spell system. Certainly can't change them now. In the sequel they'll be revamped completely, and maybe we can do something with them in the upcoming spinoff so they suck less.

    Zeratulz: Yeah, future games will have us concentrate on the RPG part now that all the basic combat systems are pretty well done. Spells in the sequel will work like you said (in the traditional way for most spells, with a submenu and mana and you have to find and unlock spells), and we can do more sword animations.
  9. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member

    #1129 BazookaTime, Nov 4, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2011

    I am not sure where or what time it will air again. Maybe some one tapes G4 and can post it or maybe it will show up on YouTube?

    It was on G4 this morning and they loved the game comparing it to the classics of the 16bit age. I would guess the review was about two minutes long,showed gameplay in full screen and voiced over their love for your game.

    Congrats, that is a pretty big deal, I hope someone can find a copy for you. It was on XPlay if that helps.
  10. PixyJunket

    PixyJunket Well-Known Member


    So I guess it's just time to wait for the next patch to finish up these achievements.
  11. Ashflow

    Ashflow Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    Kepa, I don't think you ever officially confirmed the slight-luck-buff trinket switching to a hat drop trinket... Is that a sure thing?

    Your answer will determine whether I try to get hats in this game or in HW ;)
  12. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    I think it's going to happen. It kind of has too, if Kepa wants there to be no "grind". I still haven't gotten all the boss hats. Going to wait for this trinket to do it. Pointless now because bosses don't give me exp!
  13. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Oh, the hats are pretty much a grind. They're not a required part of the main game or anything, though. I just thought completionists would like grinding for hats.

    However, yeah, we'll do the luck trinket buffs hat drops thing.
  14. justbanter

    justbanter Member

    Nov 11, 2009
    I found an obscure bug:


    At half a heart an enemy hit me right as I was opening a dropped chest. To my surprise I didn't fall or lose a life. The next hit I received did in fact kill me, but it was kind of cool to be a zombie for a minute or two. :p
  15. JackMule

    JackMule Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    If it had a knockback bonus I probobaly wouldn't use it. It easier to either one hit enemies or two hit them close to you rather than walking the extra step or to in the midst of a group. Besides, while it's true it takes 1.5x the time, combined with charge and a group makes it deadly and if you're standing there slicing you're going to have to slice less with the Cleaver.Besides, if you're going to get hit you just dash back anyways.

    Combine the cleaver with a lucky/ultra lucky you're 1 hitting every regular monster and taking the bigger guys out in only a couple of hits.

    A sword that does sword fury does (with much worse damage) would be cool. Maybe make it shoot iceballs rather than flames? I dunno.
  16. JackMule

    JackMule Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    A sword that does what sword fury does*.
  17. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    Just bought the Phoenix Feather and Firecharge Vest, these things are awesome!
  18. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    I am now kind of weaning off the game. Still going to get boss hats first, then I think I might finish up that stupid book achievement that isn't done. Is there a book in Pinnacle?

    Anyway I'm only going to be posting in here with ideas and such. I don't really have much more to say until this update is released. Thanks for the couple hundred hours of gaming I got in.
  19. Ashflow

    Ashflow Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    Oh, I know that the hats are optional. I was just saying that if you were planning on doing the hat drop trinket thing, then I would wait until that happened to grind for hats, and I'd start getting hats in HW while I waited.
    This has already been reported, but thanks anyways! :)
    (And that hat fits having no hearts but still being alive perfectly :p)
    For future reference, you can edit your posts. ;)
  20. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    Hey Kepa any word as to when the "Arena Mode" update is coming out?

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