I never played Arkham Asylum, though just yesterday I was thinking of getting it. I like the Sacrificial trinket, but it would have to have some serious downsides because that would be incredibly strong. Would essentially triple the amount of spells you get per level.
You're right, except it's a hatmaker for women's hats. Arkham Asylum is great. I borrowed it a few months ago and got the platinum trophy. Going to buy Arkham City when I have more free time. In master mode there's a lot more spell urns, so it wouldn't really triple your number of spells. Hypothetically it could double them, but sometimes you're going to be low on health and you're actually going to get those hearts instead. And if you got through a hard section, reached a health urn, and still have full health... then it's not really OP, because you're destroying that level anyway. No magic criticals is too big of a downside, and it almost completely nullifies one of the main benefits of both the magic and luck stats. MAYBE reduce the change of magic criticals, if you think it's too powerful. Don't negate them entirely. EDIT: The Best Defense... (Trinket) Every time you score a melee critical, you become invulnerable for ~0.5 seconds. Porcupine (Pet) Enemies that damage you have a proportionate amount of damage reflected back at them. I can do this all day.
Yeah, but you don't have to then balance or test those ideas. I guess the "Phoenix Feather is overpowered" solutions are (Pick one): 1. Put in a bunch of trinkets that are equally powerful, but not any less powerful (making them worthless) or even worse, more powerful (making all trinkets but the most powerful one worthless). 2. Nerf the phoenix feather. This is pretty hard to do because it's a paid IAP item. Then again, it's more do-able if I go through with my idea to make it free anyway, and compensate people that bought it beforehand with another item. In that case it's really quite preferable to 1. 3. Do nothing and just accept that there's one trinket that's better than the others for three-starring stuff. The problem with this is it isn't really a solution at all. Future games won't have a permanent phoenix feather item, obviously.
I have done game design before, and I have enough experience now with this game to have an idea of how certain effects would compare to others that are already in place. But mostly the ideas are just there for you to take whatever you like and tweak, so I figure the more that gets thrown out there the more options you have. Perfectly willing to help you test/balance if you need it, though. lol Already voiced my thoughts Re: Phoenix Feather on twitter.
Kepa, I believe you have 2 options here. 1) Create a robe that does the same thing but WILL not stack. Doesn't explode has to be poison or something other than fire obviously. 2) Allow for the user to gain up to five hearts using the IAP item with an explosion after the 4th heart is removed (1 heart left). Then give them another item bundled with it for the nerf. Possibly a Phoenix pet? That just stat boosts. I just came up with a third option. 3) Give the user unlimited lives as long as they are NOT using the fire feather and make it so you only get 2 lives with the fire feather to 3 star a level so it is not nerfed but by using it you get 2 lives vs unlimited. Obviously if you die with the unlimited system it will not count towards 3 stars. Or you can simply accept the fact that a mistake was made and be happy that many hardcore players are paying $.99 more for it and just don't do it again. Either way I buy all of your DLC so yeah...
Yeah, we could manage it, but the main downside to that first strategy of adding more stuff to balance it is that it would take a lot of time. Even a seemingly tiny addition takes days to balance and test. Every further addition just takes a little more time. We could add a few high-powered trinkets, but in the end it would probably take a couple of weeks. Or we could go for solution 2 or 3, while also doing the universal support update and getting a lot of work done on the Endless Drudge Arena update. It's really not a hard decision from where I'm standing.
Is the achievement to destroy 2 urns with one spell working properly? Or is there a type of spell I need to use? Done it several times with the ice shards (the cone attack) spell but no achievement. Oh, and what does "targeted" mean?
It does work, i got it the first time i tried it. Targeted means spells that you target before shooting it lol... For example the fireball..
No... There are spells that you target/aim, those are in the same category under the Targeted Spells. There are the others which are the Buffs that stay on you, you don't need to target those, just activate them. I either used the Frost Shards or Fireball.. not sure..
Ok, I'll concede. I feel like option 1 is best for the game, but given time considerations and for the sake of advancing the spin-off, any of the options are acceptable. However, I would strongly recommend not nerfing the Phoenix Feather, or late master mode 3 stars will become nearly impossible. The most you could probably get away with is having it restore you back to 1.5 hearts (half health). 1 would be too low, but 1.5 means you can't die in 1 hit no matter what, and gives you a chance to heal back up.
I'd probably just make it 2 hearts, to be safe. That way it's better than the arcane heart for master mode and 3 starring, but the arcane heart is at least better for story mode (since we're adding that one extra life, making it 4x4 = 16 vs 5+3+3+3 = 14). Yep. Waiting for it to be approved.
Will this update nerf the feather, because if so I'm just going to wait until after I've three starred all of master mode to update.
Nope. We probably won't touch it until the universal update, just because updates are taking so long. If we end up touching it at all at that point. I think it would be a good idea to make it free + nerf it slightly + provide something else for people that bought it, but it depends on much of a hassle it will be to change existing IAP, really.
Phoenix Feather dilemma Kepa, couldn't you simply add another in-game trinket that would be similar to the Phoenix Feather? Unlocked near the end of the 2nd map or the beginning of the 3rd map. For example, a trinket that would resuscitate you with a shield (which would be even more powerful than the feather in a way, with 16 hearts total, 7 if you're going for 3 stars)? That way, the Phoenix feather is still a valid option, and fits with the overal Inferno Set (i.e., its outstanding feature is now the explosion, like the sword), while you offer something equivalent for non-IAP users. Another option, a new trinket with the same resuscitation effect, but with a smaller bonus like speeding you up when you get back up? In that case you have two valid option, the Arcane Heart (16 hearts total, 4 if you're going for 3 stars) or the new trinket (15 hearts total, 6 if you're going for 3 stars). By the way, what are the exact effects of the Rabbit and Lich Feet? Would that have an impact on drop rates for hats? p.s. Keep up the great work! You've got yourself a new fan!