Mad Rocket: Fog of War [IN SOFT LAUNCH]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by sue.j.yu, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. sue.j.yu

    sue.j.yu Member

    Nov 27, 2017
    #1 sue.j.yu, Mar 28, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
    Find the best spot to land!

    Hello guys! :)
    Our game is in soft launch now and we are receiving a lot of positive feedback from our players!
    Before it goes global, guild system and seasonal ranked battles will be brought into the game!
    Also, our graphic designers are working very hard on improving the visual aspect of the game as well;)


    If you’re within the regions of Philippines, Singapore or Sweden, you’ll be able to enjoy the game while receiving a lot of free gems offered for everyone who is participating in our special event called “Sell Your MRFOW videos”! If you’d like to read more about the event and find out how to participate, you can follow the link:

    More about the game:

    Enemy defense buildings are hidden in the fog, ready to attack!

    Most of strategy games that you’ve played until now share many similarities.
    You build your town, train units, and win from battles.
    What we offer is the new experience – the fog of war.
    Inspired by wargames, the fog of war creates unpredictable battles with infinite number of battle tactics.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Aircraft (Bomber, left) and ground units (Hammer, right) clearing the dark fog

    Air Guardian tanks damage while ground units safely land

    Now, your attack strategies are not limited to choosing the right units for your battle deck.
    Diverse strategies should be generated to be prepared for uncertain battle conditions that the dark fog creates.
    You must find weak points of your enemies and be prepared for their missile attacks.


    Defense buildings hidden in the fog with the customizable base layout can create an unlimited defense strategy that can put you at unease as an offender. But, don’t worry. We’ve prepared a variety of arms with unique abilities that you can count on:)

    Mad Rocket: Fog of War - PREVIEW!:

    If you’re a developer, come say hi to us on Unity Connect! ;)
  2. rapshin

    rapshin Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    Airguardian looks awesome!

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