Universal Mad Bullets (by Istom Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Duke12

    Duke12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    Agreed. Also on my ipad 3 after I hit retry game sometimes gets totally stuck.
  2. isTom Games

    isTom Games Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Can You describe the problem exactly? We never met this before.
  3. TheClaff

    TheClaff Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2008
    Senior Producer, Bethesda Game Studios
    Bethesda, Maryland
    Couple other suggestions.

    Sense of progression. I have no idea how many areas there are or how much of the game I have seen. Like Outrun with branching paths and then a map at the end, some way of knowing what there is and where I have been would be welcome.

    Bonus sacks based on score at the end of a game. Would make doing well and getting a high score more meaningful.

    Increase the amount of sacks you get when shooting them in game. At the current pace it is going to take a long time to get enough to unlock anything and the amount is so low at first.
  4. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Games awesome! I'm having a blast.
  5. Esteban

    Esteban Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Piranha park is my favourite minigame, Very funny! :)
  6. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    Completely agree with all those suggestions especially giving bonus sacks for scores.

    Also the amount of sacks it costs to continue when you don't have the option to watch a video is just ridiculous.
  7. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    How do you record your gameplay
  8. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Definitely an enexpected gem. Most likely will be my GOTW. The only downfall is the payout like everyone has said. I don't want things TOO easy, but when your averaging 10-30 sacks a run and things are costing 1000+, it gets a little frustrating. The light at the end of the tunnel is just too far. Still, this game is a blasty blast!
    Great Job!
  9. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
  10. Shiatama_0

    Shiatama_0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2012
    There is also a daily bonus in this game, if you play everyday you get in 50 , 100 , etc sacks of gold. the 5th day you get 500 which is a great help
  11. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    #52 Bytebrain, Jul 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
    I really enjoy this game, and bought the "sack doubler" and the ad remover.

    I do, however, agree that the rewards, even with the doubler, is way, way too stingy in the game, and it really suck a lot of the joy out of the game.
    When your costumer buys the in app purchases like the doubler and the ad remover, they tend to expect a premium game, with some sense of progression.

    As it is, it's bordering on a joke on us.
    I don't dare buy the powerups at the beginning of a stage anymore, as the price is steep, and you don't gain anything.

    As an example, I bought the powerup to increase chance to get the life stars when shooting barrels.
    It cost me, I believe, 125 gold pieces, and I had quite a long run after my standards.

    I didn't see a single star the whole run, and I won less than 50 gold pieces.
    That's the case, no matter which powerup I choose. I always end up paying way more for the powerup than I gain.
    There's just no balance in this, and I suspect the aim is for the developer to push the in-app purchases in the form of gold sacks.

    That's just not fair on your costumer. It's fair for the people who try it without paying, but once I've bought what I possible can to make it a premium game, I expect a premium experience.

    Also, one of the "Goals" is broken. The one that says " collect 50 sacks" doesn't work.
    I've completed that multiple times, and it still says 0/50.

    Also, I really, really hate the countdown to revive.
    Not just because it makes me wait, but it has happened several times now that I'm dying in a frenzy, and before knowing I'm already dead, I try to stop a bullet that comes at me, and it turns out I've pressed the "revive" button and loses 150 gold coins, which takes maybe 5-7 games to earn back.

    That really sucks.

    Please do something to make the game more fair to the costumes who supports you with real money.
  12. isTom Games

    isTom Games Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Guys, thanks so much for the feedbacks!

    One thing You have to know, that we're working hard to make the IAP more fair for You. That's the top priority for us now, and we will make the system more rewarding. Thanks for Your patience in advance, and keep Your opinions coming! That helps a lot for us, to make Mad Bullets much better.
  13. isTom Games

    isTom Games Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    And one more thing: take advantage of the DAILY BONUS, because if You play every day a bit, You'll get a lot of sacks, which can help You reach Your goals.

    Don't forget about this opportunity, it's there for You!
  14. isTom Games

    isTom Games Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    FYI: when You pick up the sack, watch when You tap on it. There are 3 sides of a sack: gold, silver, and bronze. If you pick up the sack with the GOLD side, you'll earn 3 "virtual" dollars, if you pick up with the SILVER side you'll earn 2 dollars, and the BRONZE will get you 1 dollars. So this is how the ingame currency goes with the sacks.

    Of course You can double these with the sack doubler IAP. Just wanted to let You Guys know, that this is another opportunity to focus on collecting these virtual dollars in the game more successfully.

    Keep an eye on the sack sides, and concentrate to the GOLD!
  15. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I cant play the game 2 days in a row because the game isnt rewarding at all. The controls are great, the visuals and sounds are pretty good, the actual gameplay is tops. But the sense of progression through upgrades is hampered by very bad currency gain balancing.
  16. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    I'm struggling with the fact that apart from the missions this is the only in game way to get gold. Leaving aside the fact that this makes it far too grindy, giving currency for high scores or freeing people or shooting other bits and pieces would make things a lot more interesting.
  17. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Thanks for pointing us in these, but i hope you realize that this currency system is not uncommon in the current freemium market, and most of the players here already know things like that.

    90% of the feedback is still pointing at the currency gain balance in the game, and im pretty sure those who can actually judge balance in a game must have already played the game and familiarized themselves with the sack-types.

    Thanks for spending time reading the comments though. I hope to see some improvement, especially in the currency balance more specifically. Cheers!
  18. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Guess I'm the only one that does not really have a problem with the grind of the game. I've just focused on the goals and have earned most sacks this way.

    The ads and not intrusive to me and the timer at the end helps give me a moment to get ready to jump back into the the action.

    as far as currency gaining maybe give small sacks with the completion of each goal or each time you rescue someone you get a silver sack

    I seriously have no issue with the game, IMO boss battles would have made this a 5 star game for me (actually I tried to give it 5 stars but the review would not save till I changed it to 4)

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