Always read the small letters in the footer! It says the purchase of iWork 09 does the include the FREE public beta.
I know of a cool site. don't know if the quality is the same as apple's, but you can't beat the prices... [EDIT BY WASTEDYUTHE] Sorry BB. The site you refer to (which I have removed now) is illegal as far as UK law is concerned and therefore I can't condone giving a link for it here, as I am sure the legality is the same elsewhere. [EDIT by BB] SORRY DUDE!
Yeah, but you still need to buy iWork 09- "The Public Beta is not included with the purchase of iWork 09. Account setup and activation are required. Fees may apply. Internet access and iWork 09 are required."
Well, I think I should get the option to pay the difference and get the DRM removed/quality updated. Oh, and those Mac books sound so nice... Too bad I just bought a new laptop.
The good news is the music videos are also going DRM free. The only other place I can buy music videos from legally in the UK is 7digital, but their videos often use the WMV DRM'd codec, which can only be played in Windows Media Player. As I own a Macbook and don't have Windows installed (because you can install Windows on a Mac, for those not in the know), this is useless. So iTunes will definitely be the place to get my music vids. I will start buying more music from it now too, although I will check with Amazon first as they are almost always cheaper. BTW, you can now watch the keynote here.