iLife, iWork looks great but... it's only an upgrade. nothing special this year. and the stuff about iTunes - it was obvious that it will happen.
Well it's about bloomin' time they went completely DRM free! I have been buying from Amazon and 7digital (UK online store) because they are already DRM free, and have been for some time. Now if only iTunes would also have DRM free films and TV shows. I can understand rentals having DRM, but not the ones you buy to own.
Well that's it folks -- no Steve, no iPhone nano, no new Mini, no new iMac, no shockers, no surprises. Anyway; me and ponte have been reporting for you; me kinda taking arns and blakes place since i took pity on them. they are working on the issue
Well, on the bright side, I was at least right on the rumour that there wouldn't be a new least not yet... But no new FW? This was really a whole lotta nuthin' as far as I'm concerned....(other than DRM free, but even still).
Thanks for the updates. A bit disappointing though. I have been checking iTunes and found all the music I have checked so far to be iTunes Plus. Amazon is still cheaper though. Might bother with iLife, but nothing Earth shattering there either. Hmmm.
i was not angry. i just said ppl should use arn's feed. then i came and helped cause i felt bad for arn since his site was hijacked. p.s: thanks
Well, if the music is going to be DRM free, I hope they give you some sort of "file update" to remove the DRMs from what I already bought.
wow the shareholders of Apple didn't react very well.. i've been watching it at work and it's been down 0.5-1%... and Microsoft is way up about 2 and a quarter... innnteresting
You can download DRM free versions via the iTunes Plus section of the store, but there is a small charge per track/album for doing so. Some people aren't too happy about that considering this is music you have already paid for, and I can see their point. But I can also see the point that you have only paid for 128kbps tracks, whereas iTunes Plus is 256kbps, so you are paying for double the quality as well as removing the DRM.