Put a little time in, my goodness it looks and feels great, hopefully it continues to impress but I'm definitely intrigued
Same here.. Very impressed so far... Keeping my arena decks updated after each award and fine tuning the deck for story playthough, and friendly duels.. Even made a really nice trade with the Sneaky Cat..
So I have put about 8 hours into the game. Overall it is very polished. It is definitely a nitch type of game, and there is not a ton of coverage on it. It is honestly a really solid game. It is not getting a lot of attention but I can say those who enjoy card games, definitely try this one. The UI is solid and once you get a few games in it is easy to understand. There are so many tactics that can be used.
If there's a friends list add me at Richar. Really enjoying it so far and this came out of nowhere for me.
Am I missing something. It looks like the starter deck I bought is missing 3 cards? *edit, nevermind that rat bastard traded me 3 for one apparetly...i thought that was part of the tutorial lol fml
I want to like this game. It looks great. But it sucks starting out. Every deck I have is missing a card and I always get my ass kicked. I assumed wrongly that a new player would at least stand a chance. This is like the call of duty of card games
I've been placing top 10-100 in the tournaments since I've started yesterday with the basic Light deck. Sure I'd love better cards but it's not crippling me right now as I save up. Just gotta understand when to redraw your graveyard cards and when to save up resources or when to sweep the board. Definitely not the "Call of Duty" of card games it's enexpectedly great.
Agreed. I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like, but the further I get into it the more I like it. If anything, my losses now seem to be connected to the fickle fates of resource drawing (and still only half-understanding the game mechanics) than because my deck is lacking a staple card. If anything, the "uber rare" cards that I've looked at have all made me think, "Yeah, I'd like to have that, but I'd need to completely redesign my strategy around it." Especially ones that cost 10+ to bring out at all.
You can lower the RNG by having a less mix of colors in your deck so you lower the pool to draw from. Also working in resource drawing cards into the field and building ways to protect and use them to bring out the heavy hitters. (Or put pressure on early to secure the board) I'm picking up pretty well so far so if you need any help PM me I'd love to discuss strategy with others. And no cards are really OP since they cost tons more and tend to have negatives associated with them having crazy abilities.
Soo... Mabinogi Duel or Hearthstone? What are the differences? How does this compare to MTG? I've already dedicated a good amount of time in Hearthstone. Is this worth starting fresh?
At this point, my "pool of cards" is too low to realistically run two 'colors,' so I'm stuck with three. (I COULD run White/Green, but there's too much healing and not enough offense right now for that to work.) But again, the fact that I can't find one 'path' I want to take is part of the fun. I'm ALMOST at the point where I'm considering investing in a Premium Membership so I can get the gem equivalent of a new pack every day. (Having the option to work Double Time tomorrow is also a factor contributing to that, heh.) Along those lines, it's rare to see a game that makes the "high-end" gem packages look so UN-appealing. You can spend $30 for 350 gems, or you can spend $24 for 300 gems +30 gems/day for a month and a bunch of coupons. It's effectively 'pacing' how much people will buy, because nobody other than the true whales would spend hundreds.
Yes!!! This game is fantastic!!! Production values are just as high as hearthstone. It has a "hokie Asian-style story" but not bad. The feel & movement of the cards & playing is perfect. The card art is phenominal with super clean/clear graphics. They are perfectly visible in portrait gameplay. This does have an energy mechanic so you could play through that each day then go back to hearthstone. I want this to do well b/c it is the best & highest production value since hearthstone. Every card game will be compared to HS (for good reason) but this one deserves it!!! Play it!!!!
I try to play duels and a mission with the starter alliance of light deck and t keeps telling me I'm missing a card and cannot play but when I go to the binder it says I have 12 cards. Help. And yes I live the portrait orientation and art of the game. I deleted hearthstone. Overrated
LOL the cat merchant was pissing me off always trying to make these horrible trades. But he just offered me a trade where he gives me a four star and a three star card, for three of my zero star generic starter cards. What! Lol so that helped me a but in building my deck. and I just got enough diamonds for a diamond pack, got some decent cards, fire wall, paladin...