To acquire 3 star cards and up you might have to shell out some cash or you get a trade from the merch cat, which is very rare. You can also save up your gems, but you only get a few daily and one booster is at 30 gems. They are generous with low-value cards, but not with high value cards. This is still a very good card battler and a game to enjoy.
I disagree on this. As long as you participate in the arena and random arena and get some Gd placing, 3 stars and abv will start flowing in steadily. I am a free user and already have 10 or more 3 stars cards and abv. Just keep using the gem to refill and grind the arena
And since this game is in soft launch, whoever playing now is getting a headstart. So yes, u shld play more and be the big bully when this game release worldwide
The more I play the more I love the game. One, if not, THE most addictive game I played in iOS in a long long time 5* By the way does anyone knows if this will get iCloud support so I can continue my game when it is out worldwide?
Had this sitting on my ios for some time and finally had some time to try it out. Ok looks like I'll be playing this daily now. I find this more entertaining than Hearthstone!
It's finally here! I've been drooling over this skmce it was first announced. Beautiful tcg and depth I hear. Can't wait to play. Will leave imps after school!
My god the game is amazing. Surprised some are rating it 1* on here. It's absolutely beautiful and plays great. Polished & high production value. Def needs more attention.
Been playing this game for a couple months on my Canadian account. Ended up playing this game more than Hearthstone. Amazing game.
Ok so this looks pretty fun. The menu screen and the layout is very crisp looking. VERY Mabinogi like.
Gameplay is pretty good - reminds me of Solforge. And of course the art is great too. But wow, the music (mainly because it's drastically changing style at every different screen - if it just stayed with the electronica, I'd be fine with that) and writing are painful. At least I can turn the music off. I could ignore the text, but then I'd be afraid of missing some important rules info.
But it makes me feel so good. (Or so it keeps telling me.) Seriously, I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet. Still learning the ropes as to how multiple types of mana/resources recharge, etc. But compared to some of the 'Engrish' TCG I've played in the past, this one is positively coherent. I started a separate "add friends" topic at to keep this one from potentially turning into an 'add me' fest.