Universal M.U.S.E. - (by Ayopa Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Madman100

    Madman100 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    Edit: nvm, can't wait to play this.
  2. Shadster86

    Shadster86 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    Well if you're in the US then you only have about 5 hours and counting :cool:
  3. megasiech

    megasiech Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2011

    i play the first Level .. the controls are very good on Ipad2 and the Graphic is brilliant with many details .you can destroy windows,cars ect..the comic story have good style.

    this is great core game .respect. thx a lot :)
  4. PugLover

    PugLover Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2011
    Not particularly enthused about the game honestly but that could change. I had to post to thank Sanuku for the videos!
  5. Jdragoon19

    Jdragoon19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    TouchArcade Forums
    Area 51
    Dang, I wanna play this game but I have an iPod Touch 3rd gen.... :(

  6. Shadster86

    Shadster86 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    Wonderful!!! :)
  7. Shadster86

    Shadster86 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    T-minus 30 minutes and counting till our US launch!!!! :D
  8. KiddToKmart

    KiddToKmart Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    #68 KiddToKmart, Dec 21, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2011
    I respect your opinion but wonder if we're playing the same game?

    I too tried it on my iPad 2 and honestly couldn't get past the first 15 mins of it. I would rather be honest and harsh with my opinion than sugar coat things. I felt the game's basic mechanics and core structure lacked the "oomph" and polish we've come to expect of higher-quality iOS titles.

    The similarities to Shadowgun are prominent but I feel that anyone getting into this game would enjoy it far more if they never played Shadowgun to begin with.

    From the unrealistic and robotic running/walking animations to the lacklustre gunfights and explosions, I'm having a tough time finding reasons to go back to this one. Again, i'm sorry my post may sound so negative but this is just how I feel after playing the first 15 mins of the game.

    Curious to see what everyone else thinks... Will play more and post impressions later, typing this from an iPhone... whew.
  9. Shadster86

    Shadster86 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    We are now live in the US!
  10. thecabster

    thecabster Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2010
    C.E.O./Co-Founder at Lab Rats Studio
    RDU, NC
    Woohoo! I just bought it myself, lol.
  11. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    I just played through the tutorial level and the first level, it looks great and for the most part the controls are great. The only problems I have are that its really hard to aim at far targets but if you get close without regeneration you take a ton of damage really fast (hard is good, but it seems kind of unfair). If there was an aim button or something it would be great. Anyway I'll keep playing as it is a pretty good game, maybe after I upgrade a little it will work better.
  12. GoofyJmaster.

    GoofyJmaster. Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    College Student
    Ohio, USA
    Quick Impression
    Hmm...I played Shadowgun and love that game with all my heart. I've praised it since the first second it came out.

    With that said, I really, really like this game. Everything is good about except the controls. TBH, it might be the controls that are so off putting to people. i re-downloaded SG and played the first level and boy o' boy those are some good controls (just like I remembered).

    Anyways, I actually prefer the the gameplay in this to Shadowgun. Lack luster battles? I definitely find the battles to be more intense than most other games and the AI seems intelligent for the most part. They advance, take cover when they need to, and try and take your head off. There's also enough of them at a given time to keep you busy. I'm betting that if they added more enemies frame rate would start to drop considerably.

    TBH, I don't know what some people are comparing this game to as far as gameplay, but why are he battles lack luster. So far, the only thing I've seen is the lack of variety in enemies, but I'm also not that far yet. When I think of Shadow gun, I remember the AI not being aggressive enough and I ran through it way too easily. The final boss was child's play for me.

    There are also so many dynamics that people seem to be missing. The terrain is destructible and it's a blast to blow things up (maybe I just can't think of all these other games where the explosions were epic). Linking destruction together is very rewarding IMO. The little things play a factor like when you blow up a car by shooting it, it's a small explosion. When you throw a grenade or blow up a car by shooting a barrel it's a bigger explosion and the car flips over and everything. Your enemies look blurry through the glass, then you blast through taking their heads off. Again, the AI is one of the smartest I've seen on iOS. **Here's what I'll say the explosions could be a little bigger and bit more dynamic, but how they are now doesn't decrease the awesomeness for me.

    Let's talk about frame rate. The game was a bit laggy but definitely runs better then a lot the other laggy releases. Also, it seems as if the lag goes down the more you play. The game got a bit smoother and I didn't really have too many hiccups. There are crashes but they're few and far between. So, I can only imagine how this plays on Ipad 2's and 4s'. Again, i hope optimization gets better!

    The graphics. I'm not really going to go too much into it because if you've played Shadowgun, you pretty much know what to expect. Everything looks clean and crisp for the most part. The setting is a war torn earth and the design is very nice. Honestly, in the Shadowgun v. M.U.S.E debate, I give the edge to M.U.S.E because their is more detail in the game. You can tell a lot of work was definitely put into this.

    Last little side bits is that they're are plenty of nice (and welcomed) cut scenes, a pretty decent leveling system (haven't really fooled around with it too much yet), a pretty good story, and definitely more replay value than most shooters even without MP.

    ***Here's what I need! Less screen real estate for movind around. Honestly, all i need is the bottom left corner to move. All that valuable space could go toward looking around. The sensitivity need to be turned way up because it's incredibly low. I feel like the took the GL route of look sensitivity. I would like to be able to move the roll button to the top right and tweak where the crouch button is because I hit it when I move. I'd prefer tap to shoot controls, but if they're not in the lineup, I'd like to be able to move the shoot button. Also, I don't know if it's the detail intensity of the game or my device, but looking around isn't smooth at all. If it wasn't for auto aim I'd be screwed 9 times out of 10. Here's the kicker: auto aim works very well, but with it on it's hard to blow things up because the reticle always wants to jump to the enemy.

    Controls aside, this is a really good game. I'm managing to play without my ideal set up nut I'm definitely not the happiest camper...AT ALL!
  13. megasiech

    megasiech Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Shadowgun is great but very easy .. this game is different ..the key is to play slow .ok the controls of shadowgun are perfect but this one have great things like upgrades or epic fights with cinematic effects cars exploding or barrels leak oil if you shut on them..the Engine have a great view

    the controls are good enough and its a great game.. we have not much games like this on IOS.. Shadowgun,Dead Space. äähhh Silent Ops? XD
  14. lumothesinner

    lumothesinner Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2011
    I really expected more people to post impressions here - did not many people buy it?

    Im still half tempted but i've spent so much on games like this only to have them drop in price less than a month later.

    Epoch, shadowgun, desert zombie. I'm looking at you guys!
    (shadowgun is epic tho so is forgiven)
  15. thecabster

    thecabster Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2010
    C.E.O./Co-Founder at Lab Rats Studio
    RDU, NC
    hope this helps motivate you to go purchase it lumothesinner:

  16. Johnny101

    Johnny101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011

    I'm looking to get another game. I don't have Epoch yet but M.U.S.E looks pretty good too. If you were to choose one, which would you get ? Thanks for the suggestions !!
  17. GoofyJmaster.

    GoofyJmaster. Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    College Student
    Ohio, USA
    Definitely M.U.S.E by a long mile!!! Did you see my impression? The only flaw is the controls, but they are definitely manageable and better than some other shooter. Epoch doesn't have the replay value, depth, or combat that M.U.S.E has. It's the shooter version of IB2 and that's not necessarily a good thing. I find it more so to be a visual husk of a game.

    Get M.U.S.E!
  18. Johnny101

    Johnny101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    Thanks GoofyJmaster.

    I do believe I will purchase this game on your suggestion because I know you have most of the games I have. Your reviews of games are very good !!

    I hope they will have multiplayer in a future update but it really doesn't matter because I have about 10 excellent multiplayer games.
  19. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    yeah... I know this'll sound weird coming from someone who has EPOCH in their top 5 games of 2011... but get MUSE. I understand that EPOCH is for a select crowd, and that more open world games with combo scoring systems appeal to a much broader audience. I have found WAY more replay value with EPOCH than MUSE so far, but that's mainly because I can't get MUSE to run smoothly on my device... I've played the first level, and gave up at the end of the second because the lag was so bad...

    EPOCH just gets me... I get EPOCH... whatever it is, I have my own reasons for choosing EPOCH as one of the best games of the year, but I also totally understand that not many people feel the same way about it as me...


    You're better off getting MUSE.
  20. Johnny101

    Johnny101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    Thanks for the suggestion.

    I'm definately going with M.U.S.E. The strong selling point is free roam. Epoch looks great but it is on rails. From many reviews it really works for that game but I do prefer a free roam game. I also really like M.U.S.E's graphics, environments. Very cool. I'm sure they will update the controls.

    As far as I'm concerned Shadowgun is a perfect model for TPS controls. If they could implement a similar control scheme without copying.

    Anyway looking forward to playing this.

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