Agreed. This is probably the best pure puzzle game I've ever played. Bought it for the other platforms just to support the developer. Minimalistic style is spot on. The soundtrack which develops as you play is relaxing, the daily puzzles guarantee that the puzzle well will never run dry. I actually like challenging myself to complete a daily set before they dissapear. There's something so rewarding about finishing a level, finally finding that eluding path. Just perfect.
Oh thanks so much for the support guys! I haven't kept tabs on this thread in a while but just got a google alert for some reason but happy I did. All the support is very appreciated, the game has done well enough that I think I should be able to make another game. As long as I don't mess it up completely that is. If I do make something new it will probably be quite different, but should have similar themes.
Anyone have any strategies or tips for this game? Currently I'm just sorta winging it through a little experimentation and trial and error. That's working fine for the first few letter sets, but I think I may need some general "rules" to help solve later puzzles. Or is it always just experimenting and trial and error?
Diamond Screen (A003, etc.) Great work Thomas. Addicted to the game in a very good brain expanding way. Wonder if you could answer GamerBob3's question about the Diamond Screen and what all those patterns mean. Are they solutions to certain levels? Do they add up to something bigger? Very curious.
Just found a code to this game sitting in my Starbucks app. Very impressed with the style and with the difficulty of the puzzles. I've yet to be stumped (I'm in the C pack), but the challenge has scaled excellently. I definitely recommend this one. I do wish it had Game Center achievements, but that's just me.