It's awesome to finally get this update, but unfortunately performance is pretty bad on an iPod 5g. Every few seconds the game slows down as if it's barely chugging along. To prevent this from happening, I have to put the graphics back to their lowest setting, the original lo-res letterboxed graphics... which kinda defeats the purpose of the update for me.
Hmmm... where are you guys experiencing the issues? I've tried a new game, as well as playing some on my old saved game (BTW, SO glad Cloud support was added forever ago), and I haven't had any issues. I am on an iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2... The MFi controls work great, thank you so much for adding that. The status bar does show up while playing, and during cut-scenes up where it says my carrier it'll switch to saying 'Extended' - I'm guessing because I'm using an extended controller? Anyway... I can't remember if the status bar was shown before this update... but... it is right now. It's not too big of an issue - can easily be ignored. Outside of that, I'm psyched to get back into this again. =oD
I need to play this in portrait mode because of my shoulder. Will this update remove that option? Also I play on an ipod four , will the update make it slower?
Not a crash bug. It just blanks out Mia twirling before the cast. Dragon Lament does same thing. Only screen goes black until spell effects hit. It's a minor glitch at best. Now...WHERE IS LUNAR 2?! I want my Lucia-chan.... T.T
You can hide the status bar in settings. I don't recall for iPod Touches, but on iPhone, the new graphics mode only defaults to on for iPhone 4S and up, as it's pretty taxing. However, you can disable the high-def mode if desired.
SoMoGa has offered to fund a port of Lunar 2 (and even has demos of a few pieces), but unfortunately my guess is that Game Arts and/or their parent company GungHo don't think there's enough interest to make it worth their time or effort. You're, of course, welcome to contact them and encourage them otherwise.
This sucks. I wonder if it's because they don't have a usable English voice track for the game anymore?
Weird, my iPod 5G runs the update perfectly without any slow downs on highest resolution. Maybe you are experiencing some sort of iOS compatibility issue? I've got good iPod 5G performance running iOS 7.
Consider yourself lucky... I guess. I've been through the first town, overworld, and to the beginning of the first dungeon, and I've been experiencing hiccups every other minute.
I seem to get slow down when there's more than 3 npc characters walking around on the same screen. Don't have any slowdown in battles though.
Whenever I use my Moga Power Ace controller, the game still wants to dim and eventually lock my phone. Am I doing something wrong?
There's a patch release (2.0.1) currently in-review that addresses this, as well as the solid color that briefly shows up before a few spells (e.g., Mia's Blizzard) and the glitch with Xenobia's "Chaos Wave" spell.
And the slowdown people are experiencing with after the new update! (I seriously hope) Nope...still have the slowdown crap after this last update -.-
Thank SoMoGa on my behalf for showing more care than the creators themselves. -__- No seriously, I'm really glad there are demos made. I have sent emails to GameArts and GungHoOnline asking them to allow Lunar 2 to exist again. In fact, I've even made a thread in the GungHoOnline forums, which are completely EMPTY btw, but at least they're being moderated! I invite everyone who wants Lunar 2 to join in there too.