Lunar Rescue Mission Top Secret Developments Genres: Games Adventure Simulation $1.99 USD Minimum iOS Version: iOS 8.0 Download Size: 340.4MB Lunar Rescue Mission Top Secret Developments Using realistic physics pilot multiple vehicles to rescue stranded colonists from their doomed moons. Vehicles include t… $1.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsUsing realistic physics pilot multiple vehicles to rescue stranded colonists from their doomed moons. Vehicles include the Mothership, Rescue Lander, Magnetic Rescue Lifter, Moon Buggy, Magnetic Cargo Buggy, Cargo Lifter Platform, Cargo Buggy Platform & Crane. Challenging game play with a gripping story line, Lunar Rescue Mission delivers action and adventure in an eerie atmosphere. - 18 large mission sectors. - 8 vehicles to master. - Sandbox mode. Inspired by Lunar Lander and spaceships in general! BE WARNED, THIS GAME IS HARD! Are you skilled enough to succeed? Information Seller:Top Secret Developments Genre:Adventure, Simulation Release:May 01, 2019 Updated:Jul 23, 2019 Version:1.03 Size:347.1 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #2 Gwarmaxx, May 2, 2019 wow, what a beautiful gem, this game is really awesome, the physics system is perfect! psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #3 psj3809, May 2, 2019 Love lunar lander and thrust. However what are the controls like ? Two buttons on screen ? No tilt is there ? HEiRAVON Well-Known Member Dec 3, 2015 214 24 18 #4 HEiRAVON, May 2, 2019 Yesssssss! So loving this! So much fun. Sure hope this gets more missions and continues on with future versions. Really digging the style. Motherships, Landers, Missions, actual people to transport, great music, artful landscapes, etc. Good good stuff! What a treat! psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #5 psj3809, May 2, 2019 Can you talk about the controls. How they work etc ? metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #6 metalcasket, May 2, 2019 It’s all tilt. Kidding. Basically thrusters are tied to left and right controls, and pressing both buttons at the same time fires you upwards/straight/whatever. There’s no tilt anywhere. Game’s super deep and I was pleasantly surprised by a narrative. Definitely recommended. TheVimFuego and Anotherkellydown like this. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #7 psj3809, May 2, 2019 Hahhaa you had me when I read that first line !! Sounds really good. Think I’ll snap this one up Anotherkellydown and metalcasket like this. TSD Member May 5, 2019 8 8 3 Male #8 TSD, May 5, 2019 No way.. Im the dev for this game. So great to hear you guys are loving it so much. Thanks for the support! HEiRAVON, TheVimFuego, Gwarmaxx and 1 other person like this. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #9 anthony78, May 5, 2019 Very cool game but holy crap is it hard. Still haven’t gotten past the first real mission! Lol TSD Member May 5, 2019 8 8 3 Male #10 TSD, May 7, 2019 I set out to make this game something that I would enjoy, and its difficulty came from me becoming very good at it (spend days/weeks testing levels..). In hindsight I think for commercial purposes I should of made it easier. Oh well. Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #11 Gwarmaxx, May 7, 2019 i'm loving it as it is now, don't change anything please, good games must be challenging and hard, otherwise they end up immediately and fall into oblivion. TheVimFuego likes this. TSD Member May 5, 2019 8 8 3 Male #12 TSD, May 7, 2019 Noted! BTW there will be 6 more levels added at some stage, currently Im working on something else but I will come back to this game after. Thanks for playing! HEiRAVON and Gwarmaxx like this. TheVimFuego Well-Known Member Dec 7, 2014 255 6 18 #13 TheVimFuego, May 7, 2019 No! Games are too easy these days, this is old school, I like it. Takes me back to the days playing Thrust. More levels later? Great! Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #14 Anotherkellydown, May 7, 2019 Just picked it up. Trailer looks great! Gwarmaxx likes this. TSD Member May 5, 2019 8 8 3 Male #15 TSD, May 8, 2019 Hope you enjoy Gwarmaxx and Anotherkellydown like this. orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #16 orangecan, May 11, 2019 I’ve just picked this up, love a good lunar lander and this is very nice indeed, very much recommended if you like this kind of thing orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #17 orangecan, May 11, 2019 And to add to that now I’ve played more, this is without a doubt my favourite lunar lander I’ve played on iOS, It is hard but equally the physics and controls are absolutely spot on, every time I’ve buggered something up it’s been my fault and mine alone, and the amount of satisfaction I got when I pulled myself out of an uncontrolled spin while scraping off a rock and coming out the other side was enormous. One criticism for me is that I really wish the mid level checkpoints operated as save points - I realised early on that if you close the game you go back to the start rather than your last checkpoint, and some of the levels take a long time to complete and I’d really like the option to save and restart at a checkpoint if I quit. As was pointed out above it takes me back to the mighty days of playing Thrust on my dads old BBC model B which is a very good thing indeed. Anotherkellydown, raravan and Gwarmaxx like this. Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #18 Gwarmaxx, May 11, 2019 Thrust!!! what a game... played it for hours on my C64 back in the '86. senkal New Member Jun 4, 2018 1 1 1 Male Co-Founder at Particles || Software developer London #19 senkal, May 12, 2019 Really good. Like some hidden games like this one, you can see the effort put into balancing it. Looks like you need to prepare some time to get good at it. Anotherkellydown likes this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #20 Anotherkellydown, May 13, 2019 Great post. Totally agree on the checkpoints saving your game. I almost gave up on this, but after putting more time in finally finished the Europa missions. Didn’t get any stars on 4-6 but it still feels like an accomplishment. The ambient soundtrack is spot-on perfect for this game. I went from being disappointed to loving LRM. orangecan likes this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Love lunar lander and thrust. However what are the controls like ? Two buttons on screen ? No tilt is there ?
Yesssssss! So loving this! So much fun. Sure hope this gets more missions and continues on with future versions. Really digging the style. Motherships, Landers, Missions, actual people to transport, great music, artful landscapes, etc. Good good stuff! What a treat!
It’s all tilt. Kidding. Basically thrusters are tied to left and right controls, and pressing both buttons at the same time fires you upwards/straight/whatever. There’s no tilt anywhere. Game’s super deep and I was pleasantly surprised by a narrative. Definitely recommended.
No way.. Im the dev for this game. So great to hear you guys are loving it so much. Thanks for the support!
I set out to make this game something that I would enjoy, and its difficulty came from me becoming very good at it (spend days/weeks testing levels..). In hindsight I think for commercial purposes I should of made it easier. Oh well.
i'm loving it as it is now, don't change anything please, good games must be challenging and hard, otherwise they end up immediately and fall into oblivion.
Noted! BTW there will be 6 more levels added at some stage, currently Im working on something else but I will come back to this game after. Thanks for playing!
No! Games are too easy these days, this is old school, I like it. Takes me back to the days playing Thrust. More levels later? Great!
I’ve just picked this up, love a good lunar lander and this is very nice indeed, very much recommended if you like this kind of thing
And to add to that now I’ve played more, this is without a doubt my favourite lunar lander I’ve played on iOS, It is hard but equally the physics and controls are absolutely spot on, every time I’ve buggered something up it’s been my fault and mine alone, and the amount of satisfaction I got when I pulled myself out of an uncontrolled spin while scraping off a rock and coming out the other side was enormous. One criticism for me is that I really wish the mid level checkpoints operated as save points - I realised early on that if you close the game you go back to the start rather than your last checkpoint, and some of the levels take a long time to complete and I’d really like the option to save and restart at a checkpoint if I quit. As was pointed out above it takes me back to the mighty days of playing Thrust on my dads old BBC model B which is a very good thing indeed.
Really good. Like some hidden games like this one, you can see the effort put into balancing it. Looks like you need to prepare some time to get good at it.
Great post. Totally agree on the checkpoints saving your game. I almost gave up on this, but after putting more time in finally finished the Europa missions. Didn’t get any stars on 4-6 but it still feels like an accomplishment. The ambient soundtrack is spot-on perfect for this game. I went from being disappointed to loving LRM.