Universal Luck be a Landlord (by TrampolineTales)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. solarnya

    solarnya Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2015
    Close to Tokyo, Japan
    @DarayX Wow. Marvelous score!! Great!!
  2. gvegas66

    gvegas66 Active Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    Really good port imo, especially compared to Slay the Spire and other great games that UI wasn’t thoughtfully implemented on mobile.

    everything is clickable with pop ups at a decent size on larger phones, and lots of customization in the menus for colors/fonts. One of the tips on the landlord screen said you can resize UI elements in the graphics menu, however this was not in the menu on iOS for me.
  3. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    I see all these amazing runs. I suck at this game. I don’t think I’ve made it past “month” 7 or 8?

    Any tips? Often I hedge my bets on getting something I need later only to not happen.
  4. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    IMO Best tip for this game is to decide early on witch consumables you want to prioritize. Rocks or fruits or drinks or… After that you have to get lucky like a real slot machine to get the right animals or persons who will destroy the consumables for more money. And to top your strategy of you will get later on persons who will constantly up their stats from consumables. And with the black stones you can maximize your income and delete all bad items.
    Right now this strategy brought me up to floor 10. The last game on floor 9 I switched to endless mode and went all up to 100.000.000€ for a special ending I wont spoil. The game gets a bit easier once essences are added.
    I hope everyone understands what I‘m talking about, because I don‘t play the game in english and don't have the exact wording for the items.
    gvegas66 likes this.
  5. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Thank you, I appreciate the explanation. I did have a lucky run finally and made it to floor 3 with quite a run on endless mode with Mrs. fruit and the monkeys being a game changer.
  6. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    ‘Luck be a Landlord’ Mobile Review
    by Mikhail Madnani
  7. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I’m trying to like this game but the amount of different items is discouraging me to stick with it for longer. I can’t find any good synergies. I like lucky 7 but rarely got it offered. I tried to go for bananas, coconuts and monkeys but I’m flooded with other unnecessary items. When I skip them waiting for the ones I want, I’m simply not earning enough to see those the time those items finally arrive. So yeah, a lot of luck involved. Which might be a point considering the whole slot machine theme, but I’d appreciate something more similar to StS in the terms of strategy. I’m not deleting it yet as many have stated the game clicked with them later, but I’m not sure if I’m patient enough for that to come, if at all.
    Anotherkellydown likes this.
  8. gvegas66

    gvegas66 Active Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    As someone who also loved StS I hope you stick with this one because it def a has similarities. You could try watching a couple of YouTube videos to see how people play that have put the hours into it, that really helped me.

    In the beginning I find it best to grab symbols that destroy itself or are easily destroyed. This is very much a ‘thin to win’ game but you have go a bit wide at the start to make rent. Your real synergies will present itself mid game focused around some rare most likely. ‘Items and ‘essences’ are where you can really break the game as they can take your synergies to the moon. It all just takes time to understand the value of symbols and which ones have the most synergies, like a cat has a ton of value in this regard but rarely will you keep a cat late game as you need to go with the flow and adapt to what’s been presented along the way.

    there’s also a symbol tier list on YouTube that will help make sense of symbol value. It’s a simple game with a lot of depth, the hardest part is the early game rhythm but once you find the best of what’s available or skip ratio it’s very satisfying mid to late game.
    Anotherkellydown likes this.
  9. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    The one thing that won’t change my dislike about the game is how the achievements are handled on iOS. I understand there’s a limit to them, but they should have kept those in-game achievements instead of meaningless 1% to 100% ones. Because those displayed in-game are quite creative and it really makes me feel great about getting them.

    @gvegas66 thanks for the tips. Especially on destructive items. I don’t think I’ve ever considered those at all. Probably because in my head it went directly into thinking that losing items is a bad thing. You also have a point on watching YouTube videos, that could help ease the confusion in the early stages. So I’ll check it out for sure. Once again, thanks!
    gvegas66 likes this.
  10. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Can confirm. I was struggling for the first 20-30 games and then suddenly I got lucky and managed to combine monkeys and banana peels, comedians buffing them, and a Ms. fruit buffing the heck out of those, plus some arrows pointing twice, for example (once I got $990 on one character in a spin).
    You can decide what you might want to go for and start to weed out your “wide-net” items that you took earlier just to make rents, but sometimes you just won’t get what you need. When that happens, you can try and pivot early enough (took a bunch of bears but not getting any honey so slowly switching to moneys as I keep getting offered bananas and coconuts).
    part of the fun is the randomness of what gets drawn after each spin.
    Sometimes I just have a crappy run and start over. So now I’m on floor 5 and feeling pretty good about progressing without trying to force it too much.

    This is the most addicting game I’ve ever played I’ll tell you that.
    gvegas66 likes this.
  11. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    #31 elcrazy, Jul 28, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2023
    You for sure want to go with destroyable items. here is the breakdown the way I look at it.

    You have destructible items. Beer, wine, coconuts, gems, bananas, candy, bubbles etc.

    You have destroyers. Baby, monkey, miner, dwarf etc.

    You have enhancers. These are really key. Some enhancers also destroy. Geologist is increidble. The lady. And more.

    Some relics are very powerful. The one that makes dwarves also miners in amazing. Dwarves can make huge points with drinking and mining combos. Having two of them can be great.
    The relic that makes cats generate the hugest points on the board is amazing as well. You can link some huge points. Then if you have an arrow that is either 2x or 3x can really help out. Specially if you have the Robin Hood relic.

    There are a lot of symbols but some amazing synergies. Once you have your destroyers in place try to get as many destroyable items as possible. Ex. If you have dwarves get beer and wine.
    If you can have a miner and a geologist just get all the gems and rocks you can find.

    Keep with it! When you hit one of those games where your synergies click, you will love it. Just find the right strategy. And the lucky 7s are not it lol.

    Other notes…

    Make sure you pick the best destroyable items when you have the right destroyer. Example, if you have babies get every piñata you see.

    If you have dwarves pick every wine and beer.

    Except with Miners, you may not want to take every rock. You can get overloaded with bad stuff. That being said if you find a geologist when having a miner, Take every rock!

    Always take the pellets that offer a relic when destroyed. Read all pellets. Most are very good.

    Big note here. If you use a pellet that guarantees rare item next turn and you don’t like the item that’s rare. If you have re rolls they will re roll another rare.

    Gamblers and Thief’s can be powerful. Don’t underestimate them.

    Do not always take items. Pass when needed. Remove items that are not helping. Skip and re roll when needed.

    Read every relic. Keep an eye out for very powerful ones. There is one that gives re rolls every spin. Ones that can change the course of the game. Rare relics are mostly very powerful. If you need try to play to a powerful relic later on. Remove un used items and focus on the ones the relic enhances.

    Try to keep your deck in the 20s. You can grow it larger if you are making big points around 7-10 then grow in the endless. But 20s is good place to be.

  12. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    I somehow hit the jackpot with Ms Fruit, monkeys, comedians, arrows and some other perks to get onto quite an endless run on floor 5. This game pictured is still going! I figure it will eventually end when the amount of rent owed becomes exponentially absurd.
    Anotherkellydown likes this.
  13. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @elcrazy I understand the synergies. My problem is, I’m never getting what I’m waiting for. If I pick toddler, I can guarantee I won’t see any candy or piñata. If I pick bananas and coconuts, I’m waiting for a monkey that never comes. I get beer and wine, but no dwarfs in sight. Or at least it feels that way. The only semi-constant luck I got so far was with miners, golems and ores. Which feels awesome when it all works together. I imagine it feels the same for others synergies. I just didn’t have a chance to experience them. But as @vectorarchitekt said, if it takes like 30 games before it clicks, I definitely haven’t played for that long yet. The best I did so far was to reach $700 a month. So I’m going to be patient for now and keep trying.
    elcrazy likes this.
  14. andreadeda

    andreadeda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2013
    I’m on an endless run as well, currently on rent 48 and with roughly 3 millions of cash and was wondering if it’s worth continue or not. It’s kind of boring to keep spinning as with the arrows every spin takes quiet a long time (btw I went the geologist, old lady, amethist and gold arrow route). Would like to start a new normal game to progress but I’m afraid I’ll miss something if I don’t get to the 100 mln cash you mentioned in your post…. It will take hours as I do around 50k per spin at the moment…..
    Could you either pm or let me know here if I should definitely continue or just give up?
  15. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    If I can lose 26 games in a row and keep playing there’s got to be something to this gem. Made it to level 2 on my 27th play through. Then again on my 28th. Seems like quite a coincidence that I’d win 2 games in a row after all that. But, I’m totally learning all the nuances now and can’t wait to get further.


    I haven’t drank alcohol in 10 years (won’t get into the homicides), and now all of a sudden five gallons?! :eek:
    Havelcek and elcrazy like this.
  16. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    Keep it up! Game is so fun. I was away for work last week and really busy so didn’t get a chance to play much. Started playing again Friday and went from floor 5 to 8.
    Keep with it because big things happen at floor 7. I am excited to keep going and now see what unlocks at floor 11.
    Anotherkellydown likes this.
  17. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    I have no clue how I just did this lol. But man it was fun. In the middle of one of my best game. On level 8 endless now.

    check out those bonuses and arrows!

    Attached Files:

  18. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Would have been awesome with the quiver!
  19. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    IMG_4453.png IMG_4454.png IMG_4455.png I am still going on this run. Been playing on an off. Got rid of a ton of items recently to keep it to a certain synergy. It’s insane. Getting 50k a spin.

    My bounty hunter was a x13 when I removed him lol.
  20. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    I had/have a “special” quiver actually. ;). You just can’t see it. Maybe feel it’s “essence” ;)!
    Anotherkellydown likes this.

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