Universal Lowlander (By Flat Black Films)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by bsabiston, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Mcquay515

    Mcquay515 New Member

    Dec 5, 2015
    Am I bugged?

    Hi love the game.
    But I visit the castle Pynchon and talk to every one there. The king tells me to get the ingets. the quest doesn't dim in the quest log, like I haven't done it.

    In the dungeons I can find the keys but can not for the life of me find the doors they open. I go through the dung end going every where but don't see any thing. In one of the dungeons I pull the lever but nothing opens or changes.

    am I bugged? I hope not I do not want to start over.

    Love the game so far.


    I loved ultima II as a kid -
  2. bsabiston

    bsabiston Well-Known Member

    Hey Kelly,

    The quest won't be complete til you have all four ingots from the dungeons. There should be doors for each key you find in the dungeons, and the switches usually lower a bridge somewhere. Maybe it would be better to take it case by case. Which particular dungeon is giving you trouble?
  3. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    Any chance we'll see a Lowlander 2?
  4. bsabiston

    bsabiston Well-Known Member

    Ha yeah I am working on it but I only have about an hour a day for it. I'd say it is about a third of the way there.
  5. Mcquay515

    Mcquay515 New Member

    Dec 5, 2015

    I'm at the dungeon Excrition right now going over it again for the 3rd time. I have the key and have made it to the switch. I can throw the switch but when I look for a door or bridge I see nothing. I have spent at least an hour going threw the entire dungeon. Could I be bugged and the doors do not appear in any of the dungeons?

    Thank you for any help
  6. Mcquay515

    Mcquay515 New Member

    Dec 5, 2015

    Found bridge in Excrition. I think quiting and starting did something. Going to antipathy to see if something changed too. My fingers are crossed.
  7. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
  8. Mcquay515

    Mcquay515 New Member

    Dec 5, 2015

    Finally got the award and am looking for the skylark. _ am I right it is in the tower in the pass - flipped the stitch there but am not seeing the next step
  9. Jetjet

    Jetjet Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2010
    This gem is such a pure gem but please add slots for saving the game !
  10. bsabiston

    bsabiston Well-Known Member

    @Jetjet I might be able to add save slots -- for now though there is the ability to revert to your previous saved game, in case you accidently save while poisoned with 2 HP or something like that :). It's in the options.
  11. bsabiston

    bsabiston Well-Known Member

    @Mcquay Sorry, for some reason I missed notification of your postings -- may be too late, but did you beat the game?
  12. Jetjet

    Jetjet Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2010
    Perfect ! Thanks for the advice ! I discovered lately your game but can't stop playing it !!! Well done !
  13. Joe99

    Joe99 Member

    Jan 6, 2016
    Talk to Holly Quest

    I have completed "Talk to Holly in City of Oberlook" quest, yet it is still shown as active (not completed) in my Quest Log. I have completed several following quests, and am now on "Find Castle Pynchon" quest. Is there something specific I was supposed to do or someone I was supposed to talk to so that the "Holly" quest would register as completed? It obviously has not prevented me from proceeding, since I am now several quests past the "Holly" quest. Not a big deal, since I've been able to move on, just want to make sure I haven't missed anything. Thanks.

    BTW - Great game. The only Ultima I ever played was Ultima 2 back in 1985, and Lowlander is a wonderful retro homage to that game and that era. Really takes me back.
  14. bsabiston

    bsabiston Well-Known Member

    Hey Joe99,

    I'm not sure why that quest would still be active. I'll have to check and see where that quest is checked off in the code, and see if there's any way to avoid it. It doesn't sound like you missed anything though.
    After you talked to Holly, did you go back and talk to the priest in the same town? I think you have to do that. He's the one that first tells you about Azamon.
    But if you hadn't then I don't think you'd be as far as you are...

  15. Joe99

    Joe99 Member

    Jan 6, 2016
    Talk to Holly Quest

    Thanks. I talked to the priest again, and it cleared. Don't know what happened the first time. I know I had talked to him before, because I had already seen his text regarding Azamon being seduced by black magic. Oh well. It's all good now.

    Another question. I noticed that as I proceed in the game and explore more of the overworld, my movement slows down. Is that due to all the monsters that are popping up on the continents that I'm not killing as I sail around? I'm guessing the program has to keep track of them, and that consumes CPU time.
  16. bsabiston

    bsabiston Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure why that happens -- it could be a memory leak. You might try killing the process and restarting, see if it speeds up. It does keep track of stray monsters, but there's a cap on it. After a certain point, when any new monster appears then the one furthest from you is" escorted from the premises".

    It might also be the map tiles themselves. As you walk around it has to keep track of more of them. I should look into doing the same thing with them that I do with the monsters. What device are you running on?
  17. Joe99

    Joe99 Member

    Jan 6, 2016
    I'm running the game on an IPOD 4 with 64GB.

    Thanks for the suggestion. That did it. I exited the game, and then cleared it from memory. I restarted from my saved game, and it's back to it's quick movement speed.
  18. Joe99

    Joe99 Member

    Jan 6, 2016
    Finished - Thank You

    I completed Lowlander with a Level 30 character. Thank you for creating such an enjoyable game that made me feel like it was 1985 again. (That's when I played Ultima II.) If you create a Lowlander 2 or similar game, I will definitely buy it.
  19. bsabiston

    bsabiston Well-Known Member

    Thanks Joe99 -- I'm working on a Lowlander 2 or similar game right now!
  20. Jetjet

    Jetjet Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2010
    Updated !!!!

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