Yes. it does automaticly. In the future update we will add a button in game settings to make it also manualy.
game center save not working,i tested on 2 idevices,no possible to continues game progress on second devices,logged with same ID on both devices..
Did you ever beat the first boss? you need to did it first then go to the strange place, so your file would be saved automatically.
Hi everyone! Today we are published new 1.31 patch: 1) Full support with MFI Controllers 2) Added an iCloud button in the Options of the game that checks the iCloud storage. If there are no saving files of the game, a warning window will popup. If there are files already, it will prompt the user to save the game. 3) Fixed a problem with the saving points that created several other issues reported by the users. 4) Fixed a bug with the melee attack that would stop working if you died on the first level and restarted. 5) Other minor fixes and improvements. Hope it will be good for you.
nothing changed with last update,why icloud save still not working i login icloud and enabled your game but in game i see some russian words....
Exactly the same. My main game is on my iPad. Applied update. I went into the game in chapter 3 and went to two rooms and the game auto saved. Then went to the main menu and then options and I see a button with icloud and some Russian. Tapped it. The screen goes black and then opens back in the options screen. I then open my iPhone game. Go to options. I see same button with icloud and some Russian. Tap it and the screen goes black and then opens back in the options screen. I tap continue and the game just loads the save on the iPhone and not a cloud save. I do not know Russian so I have no idea what the writing on the icloud button is saying.
Very strange bugs - will reserch it. If you can - give us the screen of russian text - it will help us to fix the bug
Just took some screenshots to help the developer, I think it doesn’t take too much time. BTW I love the new update, now I finally can play the game on my iPhoneX perfectly, thanks to the developer.
Thank you! Text in the dialog: Game save found. Do you want to load it? Remember, you will lose the current game progress. Press 'yes' - to get your saves. In any way - Keep calm we will fix it asap.
Dear all, We have found the issue with the Russian text. We have prepared a hotfix. Hopefully it will be soon approved by Apple.
Just wondering that are all the bugs have been reported by my video got fixed on the latest update already? or maybe in the next update? Thanks to the hard working developer again.
Main bug that causes other was fixed. This one: >1. Scanning Machine closed automatically after restarting the game from last saving.
Here is a bug report, so I just try the game with my MFI controller, I found that: 1. The menu button seems for the menu function right? but it doesn’t have any reaction if I pressed it. 2. There seems have a function for teleport in the map, but I can’t find the way to use it after selecting the room I want. 3. The bag have some kind of sorting items function, but I have no idea how it worked, since it doesn’t do anything, or maybe I just don’t know how to use it. Except bugs: 1. Does the developer considers adding a auto-aim function or aiming assistance to help aiming or locking on enemies when using the controller? 2. Some functions seem have been hidden, except you play the game with the controller.
Thanks for that but...... well, I guess that is..... good/bad/somewhere in between? Thing is, tapping it just makes the screen go black for a second then returns me to the same screen. Apart from doing all the checks the dev told me to do previously in this thread, I have no idea what to do when it tells me to “check icloud save game”. I guess I will just keep tapping that button each time I start the game and see if anything new happens. Anyways I think I have taken up enough of this thread with exhaustive posts about how the icloud saving system with this game simply does not work for me, that it is time to just give up trying.
Hi! While we are testing hot fix with right lang in the message, we prepared little instruction for game saves and icloud work Hope it helps.