Universal Lovecraft's Untold Stories (by Blini Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    @Blini_Games hey, i would love to have the Explorer from the jungle level as a playable character, it's really cool!!!
    besides, the last game that i've played with an explorer as a main character, was the wonderful "Livingstone, I Suppose" on C64 back in the 80s!
  2. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    LOL, that explorer is a mean piece of character. I wouldn´t trust him if I were you :)
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  3. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    Hey I just wondering that is there any new plans to the game itself in the future? like new characters and new contents, or the game is basically a finished product that there are only bugs fixing.
  4. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    Our closest plan for the game first is releasing the Android version. After that, we will start preparing new content (characters, levels, minievents, quests, monsters) for a future DLC. H.P. Lovecraft's worlds are so rich and full of info, that we left A LOT in the drawer.
  5. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    About the minievents, is there any chance to make every minievents have the “right” answer? the reason some people refuse to do minievents is because there is only a wrong answer to choose from some minievents, but if you want to complete the challenges, you are forced to do all of the mini events, even some minievents only have a bad answer.

    How about give a “neutral” answer to every mini events so even you choose it, you only get less info or even no info without any bad things happened, and the system will think you already did the minievent.

    I am curious about how developer thinks about this part, and I think maybe these kind of questions have been asked for several times on Steam.
  6. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    The minievent design is really simple. We had many ideas to make the options much clearer, random, etc... But we didnt have the time or resources to do it. We will improve this for our DLC, hopefully retroactively for the old minievents.
    Gwarmaxx and Lull4by like this.
  7. JasonLL

    JasonLL Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    Personally I love the Lovecraft mythos and you devs did a great job in combining exploration and action. If Blini Games is able to release multiple small paid DLCs and/or full blown expansions over time I would definitely pick them up.
    Blini_Games likes this.
  8. sharfaust

    sharfaust Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2013
    So, I have a thought. It’s about aesthetics. Blini Games, could you make the display name under the app picture shorter? Instead of it currently displaying ‘LovecraftsUnt...’, maybe make it ‘LUS’ or ‘Lovecraft’ or ‘Untold Stories’? Great game, by the way!
  9. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Whats the idea behind having two equipment slots for guns?
    There appears to be no hotkey to use to swap them.
    I currently have the Winchester in the top slot and the Police Shotgun in the bottom.
    Only the top slot seems to be the gun you use.
    If you tap the bottom one it still uses the top gun.
  10. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    #210 pathogen541, Jun 11, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2019
    Ive been playing this A LOT. And I am IN LOVE. Having an HP Lovecraft themed roguelike, with all the lore, has been SUCH a nice change of pace. The game itself is a ton of fun, and I love the high stakes nature of the combat! It really has me feeling like its Wayward Souls on crack. Its difficult as hell, no single part of the game has been "easy". I have never played the PC version, but I can tell already Im gonna sink quite a bit more into this than just the 20+ hours as advertised (which, I may add, is a hefty chunk of gameplay). The dev @Blini_Games is stellar, and has taken a lot of steps to address the issues we've found, and it would be so awesome to see more devs follow this example. I ONLY HAVE TWO GRIPES:

    GIVE ME AN AIMING CROSSHAIR FOR FIRING MY GUN!!! There is one to dodge, and one to aim your abilities...why not one to bust caps at fools?! I cant see where I am aiming, and when I am trying to dodge a cultist that's trying to slice my face off, I need to know that my gun is pointed squarely at HIS face, so that maximum facial reconstruction using buck shot can occur. Plis add, thx.

    ALSO...... I've got nothing else. I love you. Not even the save system bugs me. Strangely, I have had INSANELY good luck leaving the game running in background and coming back to exactly where I left off. So....I really cant complain. KEEP IT UP! BRING ON THE DLC!!!! GIVE. ME. MOAR!

    Also, I feel I must give you mad props for the different enemies/variety of events that exist. I've had a massive problem with roguelikes that recycle the same enemies all the time. it gets stale. Constantly having to change up my tactics chapter to chapter, has been really fun. Likewise, as the game progresses, you find yourself facing rooms that are genuinely challening, but not so much that you can't take them on without a little bit of thinking. FOR EXAMPLE, The Old Mines. Combat becomes CRAZY in this stage if you dont destroy the egg nests BEFORE the stupid little "plague worms" break free and poison your ass. This forces you to prioritize certain targets, and makes you think a few steps ahead to ensure you leave the room NOT poisoned/bleeding/stunned/frozen etc.

    TL;DR - This is game is rad. The dev is rad. Giving us all moar of this is rad.

    adin, Gwarmaxx and houseofg like this.
  11. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    This is most definitely a bug. You should be able to use the second weapon by selecting it in the inventory. We have a new update plan, we will have it fixed by then.

    Thanks for reporting it!
  12. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I must be totally stupid or I am not understanding the cloud save system at all.
    My scenario;
    I play the game on my iPad.
    I kill the first boss in the Old Mansion and then go to the Strange Place.
    I turn off the iPad and start a game later and I am in the Strange Place.

    I then install the game on my iPhone.
    I start the game and I only have the option to start a New Story.
    Next I have to select difficulty.
    Then I choose the Detective.
    The game then takes me to the Prologue.

    At no time did I have an option or a message to load a cloud save.
  13. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    Hello, thanks a lot for your words! We love that you love the game :)

    If you like the variety of enemies, you will most definitely like it when you play with another one of the 5 playable characters. Each of them is unique (items, skills and stats).

    About the crosshair for the gun it is something that we will take into consideration. If we see that people demand it, we will think about it. On the PC version there is a crosshair for those that play with keyboard + mouse, but its free roaming (like the mouse cursor) and this is something that we cannot do with the double stick because the cursor would run outside of the screen constantly. We should make it around the character (like a circle with a fixed distance from him) and it won´t be of much help then if the enemy is located far away from the character. You will still have to calculate the relative position of the character and the direction where you are shooting, in order to form a line to the enemy. (LOL, I hope I didn´t mess up your brain with this tongue-twister.)

    Still, we add it to the list of features requested :)

    Again, thanks a lot for your love and support!
  14. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    Straight up, if all the cursor did was float in a circle an inch or two in front of the character, that would be MORE than enough. I just need to know which general direction im aiming in, but its such a small request, im not gonna sweat it if it doesnt happen.... Yall keep doing the lords work!
  15. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    While we think about a better way to show that the game saved successfully on the iCloud, you have to go to the Settings of iCloud on the iPad or the iPhone and search for our game which takes a couple of kilobytes.
    When a player enters the game, the system tries to connect to the iCloud. If it is successful, it will save the game in silent mode. If we have a saved state in the cloud and you start a clean game on another device with the same account, the system will check the save and if it exists, will offer to load it.

    We have checked, and the iCloud works. We understand that it is not very convenient right now, but we will figure out something to make your life easier.
  16. sharfaust

    sharfaust Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2013
    What do you say, Blini Games?
  17. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    Hey! Sorry, it seems that we missed this message. Yesterday was a really intense day :)
    I guess, you mean the title under the icon of the app. If that is the case, I´m sending this to the team. We are working on a new update right now, if this change doesn´t create any ASO or ranking problems, we may do it, yep!
    sharfaust likes this.
  18. Skall

    Skall Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2009
    Hi hi i may have missed the update but any news for the mfi support?
  19. Blini_Games

    Blini_Games Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    Hello, we are working on that. As soon as we have news, we will publish them here. This is one of our top priorities.
    Lull4by and Skall like this.
  20. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    I think it is helpful to give a crosshair when you played the game with a controller, since there is a trigger to fire.

    BTW I have an idea for touch control with the crosshair: 3D touch, basically you move the crosshair to aim, using the 3D touch function to shoot.

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