To be fair you said you won't buy the game because you fear there won't be any new content updates (or "only" 5 - 10 new levels) in the future. So essentially you said those things you're denying now (except for the greedy part which likely was just a little hyperbole to make a point). Just not with so many words but I don't see any other way to interpret your comment (and yes, I read it of course) - You won't buy because future levels (which would come in a free update no matter that you claim you'd be willing to pay for them) aren't guaranteed. The mobile gaming market is really screwed up in some ways. On other platforms like console or PC nobody would expect to receive constant (free) content updates - No, they pay for mostly crappy DLCs for games that were much more expensive than anything in the App Store in the first place. And I have to agree with the posters replying to you before me. Even if there won't be any updates this game still gives anybody a great bang for the buck. It's an amazing experience well worth 4 dollars. And considering the overwhelmingly positive feedback and attention the game's getting it seems more than probable that the devs will release the other promised levels anyway. I had hours of fun with this game. Where else can you get this much entertainment for less than a dollar per hour? I'd even consider a single new level a gift - Of course I'd like to see the conclusion of the story but the game is worth the meager four bucks either way. Tl,dr: I'm sorry, even though you live a bit in denial about this but that unreasonable "gimme, gimme" attitude especially on mobile is the exact reason the App Store is filled with so much f2p cr*p. No offense ...
Thanks for all of your support, It's really important for us. We are working to solve all the issues as soon as possible. And take for granted that new free levels will be added Already working on them too.
Am I the only one who struggled massively with level 13? Don't want to give too many spoilers away but I really could not get the final puzzle before getting out of the hole.... Had to resort to a walk through for the first time. Superb game mind, every level is a new treat.
These later levels are so much fun, and getting bigger and bigger, great stuff, Game of the Year contender.
^this. Love the creativity that went in this game. One can really see that it was made with a lot of love. The graphics are gorgeous and every level is full of funny details and clever references. Can't wait for the new ones to be added. (And no iAP whatsoever is another big plus)
I found a problem in lvl 13. I ran the entire snowball fight, yet it did not give me the object. Before the latest update, I played the level on a different device where I did get it. Is this a bug or is it me?
I just bought this game based on all the praise. I have a 64gb IPhone 6. Started the game and music plays and the screen is just black. I closed all background apps and restarted and same thing - nothing comes up on screen but music is playing. Can someone help? Maybe I just need to request a refund?? Never had this happen with an iOS game before...
Sorry for me being a bit cryptic, but I didn't want to give away too many spoilers. Yet several snowballs did go through the air.... ;-) Edit: oops, my son showed me what I missed. No bug!
Love this game! I finished it and am going back through to get the memory pieces I couldn't find. The robo disco level has me stumped! I see the bird has one piece but no idea how to make it drop it. Any clues for this level?
You gotta switch the lightpost on and than the bird looks down, than switch it out and quickly back on again the bird will scare and drop the ticket. Hope this helps.
Please excuse whoring myself out, but I have a walkthrough up (with all collectibles) here: (There's a nav menu on the right or below, if you're in mobile view) I'm missing the last few levels because of some real-life scheduling issues. They're ready to go, just haven't been uploaded yet. With a bit of luck they'll be up within the next 12 hours.
Anyone find the developers? I was able to find everything else on my own just from exploring and the golden rule of 'interact with everything at least three times' but I still didn't discover them on my play through. Also I didn't get the achievements for finishing levels, though those were the only ones that wouldn't unlock.