Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel One of the best game I played so far in this year. Great visual effects and soundtrack selection. Controls are very user friendly. it was really worth the money WP devs!
damn, Andy - i got so excited then but it still says 'no longer available'. The anticipation is so bad that I'm playing Clash Royale to pass the time and that's a bl**dy card game. Cannot wait to play this.
Buying this now! (a little behind, been down with flu). @nerfgames - any chance of this showing up on Apple TV? I'm sure I'm in the minority here - and maybe it's not worth the trouble, but lately that's been my favorite way to play games, and this looks perfect for it. I can't remember if you did this in Unity, if so the test scenes I've been working on the export is pretty straightforward. As is the joystick/remote/mFi hookup.
To be honest, we are kind of worried about this whole "Clash Royale" thing. We really hope to get featured, but with this marketing monster our chanses are lower than we thought(
If it's any consolation I'm pretty much tired of Clash Royale already. I'm getting pumped left right and centre with a well animated electronic top trumps. I really am more looking forward to this but for 24 hours i haven't been able to download even though I can see it on the AppStore. Any chance of Game Center at some point? and good luck with it all.
Just to let people know I'm just downloading from the UK app store though itunes right now, so it's now working or for me it is! Can't wait to play it!!
Well, then our game comes to UK just in time!) Wellcome to our CIRCUS! Only the finest nibbles from all around the world!
Yeah I really wanted you guys to get Editor's Choice as well. Clash Royale just dropped, the App Store hasn't been updated for the week yet and they already booted last weeks EC out in favor of Clash. Curse the luck
Fantastic game. Really great animation and art. I'm only at 1-6, but the difficulty isn't all that bad if you don't mind dying a bunch of times to memorize the sequences. 2 stars seems fairly easy, will have to go back again to grab 3 in a bit. Definitely has a Rayman vibe, with more aggression and without the Rayman music, which drives me nuts (just a personal opinion, I know a lot of folks love it). The tutorial level seemed perfect to me nerfgames. The buttons and timers probably seem daunting to newcomers at first, but you get used to them in pretty short order.
Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. There are 9 links for Clash Royale on the front page of the App Store. Is that really necessary?
Looks boring, repetitive game, just another button mashing game, something new? Only thing is the animation is good. move along people.