I feel like God. But I'm too tired now...I'll try tomorrow. I still miss shredder and hurricane anyway. I think I know what to do but I need like 100 hearts Congrats for the release of this masterpiece, I really hope you'll have the success you deserve. People...if you like what you see....vote with your wallet. Now. I think it took me between 20 and 30 hours to get to the final stage, if anyone was wondering. And probably a trillion deaths
I play this game until 1 am .. This game is a must! MC review cover it all! Premium game, indie dev, great support, what else are you waiting for?? Grab this!!
Not much I can say that hasn't already been said. I just wanted to give my stamp of approval. The best way I can describe this game is Rayman Run on crack. Definitely a lot of fun and well worth the 5 bucks.
This game is really fun I like it a lot. Fun but hard. Remembering which button does what in intense moments and dying can be frustrating but I'm having a blast. now having a hard time balancing playing this, assassins creed , and implosion
Stoked about this. Spent most of my night helping my son set up his new OP2. And man is that a sick phone. However it's games like this, why I have an iPhone as my driver.
It is absolutely UNCANNY how good this game is. How big is the team that worked on this? And give your artist two thumbs up and a high five for his work on this
just wanna drop a review here but nothing much to say here after i read MC's review, pretty much everything he said on the first page...plus this game is totally should be grade as a AAA quality on mobile. a premium game with no shitty iAP, tons of replayability, hardcore and challenging but not frustrating as im having so much fun in replaying each levels to gain a perfect stars. end of word, theyve made it with sooo much love and passion and i think you will like it too
Just watched TA play on mobcrush pretty cool game very rayman like but a bit more bold. Very polished well made game can't wait to put some time into it.
Fml I am buying so many new games and it's only March 1...this one looks amazing and can't wait till my download finishes. Think I'll go assassinate a few wolves while I wait.
Found a bug after retrying level 3 where I had no buttons Had 2 stars, the first two missions finished, and no medal
The artwork seems like its hand drawn and it looks really gorgeous, the idea behind this game is truly original. I mean who else can think that a sock can be a protogonist too , haha.
Currently getting the error about the item not being available in the UK store. Hopefully it will fix itself in a few hours.