Universal Lost Portal CCG (By Michael Camilli)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    I know that Ghostly Protector is immune from most stuff but shouldn’t vaporize or similar effects cause it to be removed? It might also be nice if the “immunity” to things were somehow identified for newer players.
  2. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    The Ghostly Protector's ability sends it back to its owner's hand the moment it takes damage, so vaporize (which causes a creature to be removed from the game instead of going to the discard pile if it dies never gets a chance to take effect.

    I agree about immunity, as it can come as a bit of a surprise if you don't realize/forget. Perhaps I can come up with an icon to put on a creature with any form of immunity. I'll add it to the list to look into.
  3. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    I added an icon for immunity as mentioned above, so that will come in for the next update to Lost Portal, whenever that will be.
  4. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    I’m not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but I just noticed that when the Spore Mother spawns, spores spawned to the right are active as if rushed while those to the left are not. You’d think I’d tire of this game some day but it’s not happened yet. I’m now on a wipe everything clean mode using expert/cards level. Blue has been my strongest base color this last go-round. Thanks again for this great game - although sometimes I’m sure my wife disagrees.
  5. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Hi Grinner! I'd agree this is an undesirable behavior, which is caused by the way 'start of turn' is currently processed, which includes removing fatigue and other start of turn abilities, such as Spore Mother's ability. I just modified the code to remove fatigue first for all of your creatures in play and then go through and activate any 'start of turn' abilities, which should provide a more consistent behavior. I'll see this goes into the next update. Glad you are still enjoying Lost Portal!
    Son of Anarchy likes this.
  6. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    Well it’s only undesirable if the AI has the Spore Mother. If I have it, it’s great.;)
  7. Roxton

    Roxton Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 30, 2015
    Just finished this title.
    The number of prefab decks you had to design is astounding. The player-available power versus difficulty curve is really solid too. The AI has a surprising lack of glaring defects for a game this complex.
    And even though the dialogue was perfunctory, it was an absolutely necessary addition that would have salvaged other gameplay-system-oriented titles like Glyph Quest Chronicles.

    Seriously, bravo. I’d love to see you with the resources to put together a more expansive RPG title, along with a writer, although I’d gladly try anything you put out at this point. Do you have a Patreon?
  8. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    Interesting situation. I’ve got an Earth Dragon with a Savage Claw against a Storm Giant. The ED is gold which perhaps is considered every color? The SG has blue immunity. So when the dragon attacks, nothing happens. So does that mean that any color immunity is an immunity against gold? And I suppose the claw requires some hit to take effect.

    Geez. I’m finding that at extreme / card loss level green is by far the most difficult to win with. At least with my poor deck building skills. Also what cards are available are very important. Part of why this is so replayable I guess. ‘

    Everyone, if you’ve not played with card loss (regardless of difficulty) you’ve not seen how this game really plays.
  9. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Thanks for the praise and glad you enjoyed Lost Portal! I am slowly working on another game called Star Portal that will have even more RPG elements to it and hopefully better story elements. As you can probably tell from the name, it will have a Sci-Fi theme instead of fantasy. I do not have a Patreon, but I'll post here if that changes!
    Roxton, raravan and Son of Anarchy like this.
  10. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Jul 15, 2009
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    Absolutely correct that gold cards are all four colors, which can be a big negative against the few creatures that have protection from a color! And yes, since it took no damage it does not get poisoned.

    I am glad I am not the only one that enjoys playing with card losses, even though it can be very painful when your best card is taken! The experience is meant to be similar to the ante that was in the old MTG game known as Shandalar, which was a big inspiration for Lost Portal.
  11. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    I always figured that Shandalar et. al. had something to do with Lost Portal. I loved (sometimes to hate) those old MicroProse MtG games. I kept hoping that we’d see an updated version of that sometime. LP is a worthy successor.
  12. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    Okay, here’s another one: I play a Rachnor against a Stone Giant. The SG has immunity to green but the Rachnor is black. I’m not sure if the Rachnor did any damage but it did not poison the SG. While poison is kinda a green thing, I think this might be a problem with the SG (which is tough enough against green decks as it is).
  13. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Yes, that is fixable. As you suspected, the venomous effect is green, so it is being prevented by the Stone Giant's immunity. I will look to tweak this in the next update.
  14. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    And another odd one. I had a confute with 3 blue and 7 green aeons. 3 cards were successfully played against this. It only worked after I had 4 true blue aeons.
  15. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    That is odd. I just tested this but was unable to reproduce it (ie, Confute triggered with 3 blue and 4 green aeons). The game determines Confute is 'playable' the same way as other cards, meaning it should do the 4:1 aeon exchange properly for you. Let me know if you see this again and I'll try some more to reproduce it on my own.
  16. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    I’ve only seen that issue the one time, though with a green deck confutes are a bit rare.

    Finally finished the extreme/card green deck kill all. It took me 71 attempts to kill Ratkillikiks or whatever it’s called. And I was using a black and blue deck for the last 40 attempts (although keeping green as my primary color). There were almost not green aeon cards of any kind available by the time I was done and my final win/loss wins 466/576. Not the best I’ve done. Green is tough at that level. And what cards become available is important. I finally got a dragon egg as part of my last haul.
  17. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    Here’s a totally non-serious FWIW post. I started a game at medium level with random attributes. Then in the opening town played against the troll with a deck of no cards. It took 3 fights but I beat it. Not something that will get you anywhere but interesting. How random are the cards you add when there are not enough (in this case zero) cards in the deck?
  18. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Your deck is filled up to the minimum size with random common aeons and cards. Definitely tough to win with that for a deck!
  19. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    One more minor issue - bug or feature? When a creature with overwhelm beats a creature with armor by exactly 1 point more than needed, the 1 point of overwhelm does not get through. For example if a Raging Ape defeats an Autotron (both straight up) no damage gets through although I’d except 1 to. If the ape was somehow bumped by 1 (6 attack) then 2 damage would get through as expected.
  20. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Jul 15, 2009
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    New Jersey
    @Grinner - that is a bug. Easy change, thanks for reporting it to me. It will be fixed in the next update, whenever that might be.

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