Universal Lost Portal CCG (By Michael Camilli)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    PLEASE!! Please opt for “making some headway on a new game!” Cuz...I knooooow what you speak of!!! You could even eventually go back and have this new mode that you could add to BOTH games.
    Sorry, LOVE this game, and ever since I said something like “I want a game like this in a sci-fi world,” and you replied something like “well thats the plan for my next game actually,” it’s all I think about every time I revisit Lost Portal. Can’t believe HOW LONG this game has been on my phone, not to mention your awesome continued support! I knowwwww.....it’s probably light years away, but I’m still quite eScited about eeet! =D
    Son of Anarchy likes this.
  2. MulDeR

    MulDeR Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2017
    I really think that this is one of the better games that i have bought in the App Store. And i have played a lot of them.

    Thanks for the expansion, man. I will continue buying any expansion that you put out.
    Son of Anarchy and Tychaeus like this.
  3. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    I agree about the new game. If it’s anywhere as fun as Lost Portals, it will be worth it.

    On the bug side, I’ve been having a problem with deck copying causing deck deletion instead. And yes, I do have the deck I want to copy highlighted. This has happened about 8 times to me, and while it doesn’t always happen, in the current game I’m playing copy deck has never worked. It’s failed and deleted the deck 4 times (rebuilding the deck every time is a bit frustrating).

    I need to see your new effort if only to have something else to possibly obsess over.
    Tychaeus likes this.
  4. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    @Grinner - thanks for reporting that bug - found and fixed - it will be in the next update.
    In the meantime, you can avoid the issue by either changing the deck name or the card back to not be the default.
  5. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Jul 15, 2009
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    Lost Portal Fall Sale - price dropped to $1 for a limited time only.
    Tychaeus and Gwarmaxx like this.
  6. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    Wow, that bump of 10 life in the latest update has made extreme very extreme. Gives more time for the bad guy to get things going and more chances to use their bumped abilities. This is painful.
  7. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    Or I could be wrong.

    Two minor suggestions: the only downside I’ve seen to Lost Portals is that it’s a bit of a battery burner. You might consider adding a battery level measure on the top line somewhere. Second, I’ve recently purchased an IPhone and I’d suggest using the same card setup for when in the library or with a merchant that you use for the iPad. I find the tiny cards much more difficult to work with (old eyes?). Having many on a page when that small doesn’t help me much. Others might disagree.
    athros likes this.
  8. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    @Grinner - thanks for the feedback. I'll add the battery request to the wish list. As for the cards being too small on the iPhone, hopefully you get used to it coming from the iPad where there is certainly a lot more real estate and the cards can be bigger. I actually designed the game back when iPhone 4 (3.5" diagonal) was the normal screen size, so everything looks pretty big to me on my 7+ and the newer iPhones. I know what you mean about old eyes, I had to get progressive lens a few years back and they really helped.
  9. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    For the larger iPad display you show 12 cards at a time when looking at the library, for the iPhone you show 18. You use the same percentage of space in both so not only are the cards smaller on the iPhone due to screen size, they are further reduced due to adding 50% more. Maybe the number of cards to display could be an option instead of a function of the device used.
  10. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    I can get a third row in on the iPhone because it is so much taller compared to its width, so there is extra space vertically for another row. If I made the cards bigger, I wouldn't be able to display as many cards per row, nor display as many rows (as the cards would be taller as well). I don't think it is workable.

    I do have other things I am working on, so there will be another update soon - Apple just released another screen resolution with the iPad Pro 11", so that has to be supported. After that I hope to get back to adding a new game mode.
    raravan likes this.
  11. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014

    can you share a bit more info on this topic?
  12. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    It is still a work in progress, but the plan is to have a quick play / survival mode that throws you into a random dungeon to see how long you can last.
    Rainz, Son of Anarchy and raravan like this.
  13. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Holiday Sale for Lost Portal - down to $1 for a limited time!
    Tychaeus likes this.
  14. Rainz

    Rainz Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    Just wanted to say thanks for this game mate! Got me through a 13 hour bus ride yesterday between countries!
  15. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    I am always glad to hear stories of how folks are playing Lost Portal around the world! Thanks for sharing!
  16. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    Received my first Draw yesterday. Is that fairly new as I’m sure I’ve had similar results before. Anyway here’s a minor issue. When you play Call of Dragons, it acts as if you’re taking damage. I’m playing this to death (every start is extreme and card loss with randomized ability scores). Still wins out over everything else I’m playing. Thanks for this.
  17. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Jul 15, 2009
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    Hi Grinner! A draw has been in the game since the beginning. I think I've only had one draw in countless games, so it is just unlikely. Good eyes on the Call of Dragons. I just fixed it so you don't look like you are taking damage anymore. You'll see that fixed in the next update, whenever that may be.
  18. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    Not that you need any more ideas for Lost Portal since I’d love to hear some news about the new game... but one thing that might be fun (but not necessarily add any play value) would be statistics and/or achievements. Things like closest loss or win, biggest victory margin, or win/loss records vs each opponent. Just a thought.
  19. LordFoul

    LordFoul Well-Known Member
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    Jul 15, 2009
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    New Jersey
    @Grinner - I agree stats and achievements like that would be fun; maybe something I can look into at some point. By the way, you can get an enemy's win/loss record vs you if you look at its large card either before a duel or during the duel. A rogue's gallery of defeated foes with more details would also be fun.

    But, yeah, don't get me distracted! I'm finally showing some signs of focus on the new game. I have to say it has been more difficult to really dive into it than I imagined. After the effort I put into Lost Portal, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Still a long way to go, in other words.


  20. Grinner

    Grinner Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    “By the way, you can get an enemy's win/loss record vs you if you look at its large card either before a duel or during the duel.”

    Ah, cool. I never knew what those numbers in the corner were. Thought they were card IDs or something.

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