Cheers, guys. If you bought the app, we'd really recommend you to get the additional episodes right away... that way you get all content for one price. Of course, we also hope that you enjoy the game and its story. If you didn't find the first couple of puzzles too challenging, hopefully the later ones will make you rack your brains a little more.
Yes most people don't consider the issues with IAP until they experience them. Really though just a moments though on them should be enough to put you off. This app itself does little to explain the IAPs so they hook you with a small price and then you discover the additional costs potentially.
I was going to wish list this game for later next month when I might have more time to play, but your one-time purchase price with all other chapters free right now convinced me to pull the trigger last night. And I ignored other games I normally play every morning to put some time into this. Thanks for bringing it to iOS, as I'm enjoying it so far! Reminds me of a cross between Indiana Jones and Broken Sword, both of which I love.
Thanks for bringing this to iPad. Ever since I bought this on Steam about 4-5 years ago, I have hoped that it would eventually come to iPad. I am not crazy about adventure-style gameplay in general, but the story is good and the artwork is exceptional.
a.) Different Control System on the Apple TV that some still don`t have implemented into their Games or even their own Engines since so far the Apple TV wasn`t really a Gaming Console Type of Gaming Tool for Apple so some are still at the beginning. b.) The (new)Apple TV, is only out like two Weeks and some Developers didn`t have had yet enough time to fix all those issues their Games might have with the Apple TV. I have encountered over dozem of Bugs the last two weeks since I do own the Deviuce and I can ensure you that some tried it to "just" Point & Click their Games from the Mobile Build to the Apple TV one and it worked out like a huge piece of Garbage. c.) Some Publisher/Developer are working on Builds that are only working on the Apple TV. Think about it what you want
Does anyone knows how the extra episodes downloading working? Is like telltales games that can erase a previous episode to free some space...
Nah, the extra episodes are only behind the IAP wall. They're all ready to go, downloaded and can't be deleted.
Right now, the "IAP" literally is FREE. I bought the game last night for $5.99, and the 3 other downloads with the rest of the chapters are all currently FREE. So, if you want to play it, right now there really isn't any IAP. Wait a little bit, and they will start charging for the extra chapter downloads. Then there will be IAP.
I know it's free at the moment, but what I meant by IAP is that you can't backup (or iCloud) the full game, if the game is pulled out from the app store (ie, becomes broken in the new iOS versions), there will be no way to play it again, if you deleted it from your device, and keeping it forever installed is not a good solution either. That's why I'm against IAPs in general, paid content or not.
Thanks for the feedback Metalcasket. This is good on one hand because means no more space to this already beast on the other hand a Telltale mechanism would fit better on the initial size. Anyway back on my plane to Tibet..
Ah, I understand what you mean. I often reinstall old Star Wars games, like Star Wars: Force Unleashed LITE and restore my purchases, even though those games aren't even in my purchase history anymore! But, with downloadable content like this, I'm not positive who is hosting it. Is this content on an Apple server since it is in an Apple hosted app? Or is it hosted on the developer/publisher's server? I reinstalled Back to the Future after it was pulled from the App Store, and was able to restore those purchased episodes and download them. But maybe they were still accessible from Telltale's servers during that period. Anyway, I do agree that buying the full game outright is the best way to experience these kind of games. That's why I loved Fahrenheit and how it was fully ported over. But for $5.99, I couldn't let Lost Horizon slip by. For the amount of story and content, it's quite a deal! And even if I only get to play through it once before its servers go down, it's half the price of a movie ticket. And I'm sure it'll last me much longer than a couple of hours.
Damn, that's a long intro. Half hour of play before I saw "Chapter 1" on the screen. Hope to dig in more tonight, but looks like a decent game so far. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
You guys bring up Ghost Trick, but don't realize that it's actually Ghost Trick that's working now and games like BioShock are not working. When a game's broken, it's broken...nothing is going to change that.
I'll use Sacred Odyssey as the example. Both the IAP version and the premium version were pulled from the store, but you can download them from your purchases if you had them. If I had bought the premium version (that came out after the free+IAP one), I'd be able to download it and play it with no problem. But I can only download the free one, which won't let me play the full game, even though I paid for it. And neither Apple nor Gameloft can do anything or even care. That's just one example, but it can happen to any game with IAP. I was actually annoyed with this enough when I noticed it, that I wrote a piece about it on my site.
Guys some clarification of I buy the game play through it delete it and if I try to reinstall it the in app purchases are gone???
No...only if the game is removed from the App Store. As long as the game is still in the store (not just your purchase history), you should be able to restore purchases to get the IAP back.