Universal Lords of Waterdeep - (by Playdek, Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. ponyboy

    ponyboy Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Game Impressions

    LoW (Universal) is most certainly well done and polished. Despite a bit of a learning curve for not having played the game before, after watching a couple of gameplay videos I understand how to leverage the game's resources to build a strategy much better.

    I read through a lot of impressions and although the interface appears to be only portrait (I haven't found an option anywhere to adjust to landscape) it still plays well. I also agree that the AI (easy setting) needs adjusting. I've played through about 10 or so games and still have not won--although the last game I lost by only 3.

    For beginners, read the review and check out some videos to get you started quickly. The in-game tutorial is nice but gameplay videos made the difference for me.
  2. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    So far all the views and impressions I have read about Lords of Waterdeep online all agree that the AI is tough, even at the easiest setting, and there is apparently no strategy to win...
  3. abazigal

    abazigal Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
    So I have had 1 win in 10 games, and it was a very close one (I won just by 3 points). And this was with me managing to complete a few plot quests at the start (which granted additional resources whenever a condition was met), following by chaining of quests allowing me to complete one after another in rapid succession.

    One question - how does multiplayer work? I go online, join a few games, but then they don't start? Then I go to play an offline game, and when I come back, I have been disconnected and had points deducted? :confused:
  4. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    You should get a notification when a multiplayer game starts. I like short, quick games so I join 1 hour games or 1/2 hour games. If the host has a green diamond below his name it means he is online. I've never successfully been in a game when the host has a red diamond below his name. If I can't find an online host then I make my own game and watch the lobby for as long as I have time to play.

    For the 45 day games you can probably get away with joining a game where the host isn't online. Just check the next day to see if you have started yet.
  5. islesfan

    islesfan Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
    Is this game winnable? I've played over and over against the "easy" AI, and I come in second just about every time.
  6. abazigal

    abazigal Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
    Possible, just not likely, especially in 4-5 player games, where this AI seems to do a pretty good job of anticipating your moves and pre-empting them accordingly.
  7. confab

    confab Member

    Dec 1, 2013
    It's a really good game and I've been playing it regularly since I bought it. It makes me wish someone would implement these precise, beautifully balanced mechanics in a more immersive, King of Dragon Pass style game.

    I play against 2 easy AI opponents and I'm winning a little more often than I'm losing. One basic strategy that works for me is to focus exclusively on my lord's bonus quests and use the early rounds to build structures to ensure a steady income of my lord's most important adventurers.
  8. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    Thanks for the tip!
  9. Leadfoot5

    Leadfoot5 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2008
    ^ This

    As a newcomer to the game, it's making it very hard to learn by following the AI moves... Hope they add an option to slow things down...
  10. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    You can go into the settings and slow down the game speed significantly. You can also look into the "log" to see what's going on.

    This is one of those games like ascension that playing online with anyone, strangers or otherwise, is a much much much better idea and will even out the play a significant amount.
  11. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to get really irritated on one factor that's a part of this game AND it seems most other playdek games, forfeiting.

    I currently have 5 forfeits against me. I have almost always chosen incredibly long games, have never seen any games where I've come close to the time running out yet I've got 5 ticked against me. One was a game that hadn't even started, but I was just waiting and waiting and decided to cancel it. That's fine, I'm okay taking that as a forfeit, but what about the 4 others?

    I have this happen in ascension, too, and the fact that there is no way to see what's happening just makes this far more irritating.

    Does anyone have any insight on this?
  12. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    I get myself forfeiting (automatically?) with any of my knowledge which costs me about 1000 ELO. The game simply disappears and I remember I still have time left. This happens since the early days of Ascension and it gets worse when there is ELO rating.

    Pipedream: is there any way to make this game landascape? This is the only regular async game I need to put my device upright.
  13. Strangiato

    Strangiato Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    All 5 of your forfeits seem to be legitimate timer expirations. For example, the first one was a 4 player game with a 3 day timer. It ended in 10 days with 3 players forfeiting and one player with 2 days left on his clock.

    Perhaps you didn't realize that the timers work like a chess clock, and you had 3 days to make ALL of your moves in that game?
  14. Strangiato

    Strangiato Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    I haven't seen any other reports of games disappearing in any of our titles. Next time you think this happens to you, could you please details on who was in the game and the approximate time that you took your last turn so I can investigate? Thanks.
  15. LostInBlue

    LostInBlue Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Hey guys, new to the game and have a question. What is the best way to keep tabs on what the other players (I play against A.I, if that makes a difference) are doing? It shows what they do on their turn, but everything flies by so fast I have no idea what just happened. I feel in the dark as I'm playing, just doing my thing and hoping it will be better than whatever the A.I is up to.

    I think I saw that you can review what they've done in the settings or something, but is that the best/only option? Is there a way to make the game pause after their actions, so you can examine the quest they just took or completed, or the intrigue card they just played and what it did with/to other players?

    Thanks in advance, cheers
  16. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    First, feel free to add most of us here for online play, I'm happy to help in any way possible.

    The settings menu is your best bet, you can speed up or slow down to an almost crawl. And trust me, once you get the basics down, you'll have no problems understanding the game. My wife has shot down almost every game I've tried to get her into, she has a challenging job and doesn't want to burn tons of energy playing a complicated game, and she freaking loves it.

    The AI is a bit weird, and I really urge you to play online. At least with a few of us forumers. Send me a message if you want, we shall turn you into a Lord of Waterdeep in no time at all :)
  17. LostInBlue

    LostInBlue Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Thanks for the warm welcome :D I'll try slowing down the game speed. What is weird about the A.I btw?

    I'd love to play against players at some point but I am terrible at the game right now haha
  18. abazigal

    abazigal Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
    Having had a few games under my belt, I would say that the best teacher is experience. In the beginning, don't be afraid to really take your time to get a better sensing of what is going on.

    With time, you will instinctively know what each card and building does, and with this, better able to keep track of the game. It will all just feel like second nature.

    Get into the habit of checking out what quest cards your opponents have as well. I don't really bother keeping track of what quests they have completed.

    Hope this helps.
  19. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Exactly. I'm no master strategist by any means, but after about 20 completed games, it's actually really easy to understand.
  20. CaptLudd

    CaptLudd Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2013
    #200 CaptLudd, Dec 20, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
    Ascension launched with two levels of AI and the third level blocked, with the promise of it being added later. But eventually the third level was junked and now the game has only two levels, the higher level still routinely makes completely stupid decisions.

    Where do you find 2 levels? I see nothing in the options to either increase or decrease the level. Or anywhere else in the UI to do this. I probably am just blind help out the disabled, please!

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