Universal Lords of the Fallen (by CI GAMES)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. Lurchroboter

    Lurchroboter Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2016
    #21 Lurchroboter, Feb 8, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
    Bought, because i liked the console version... cannot say much about gameplay itself, as i have not had much time yet, but can confirm that IAPs just give you the option to buy the currency you gain by playing anyway. There also is the option to unlock all unlockables right now for another ten dollars, though im not sure why anyone would want that. No timers whatsoever.
  2. Derprozess

    Derprozess Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    #22 Derprozess, Feb 8, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
    Almost all negative reviews on steam are pointing out that the quality of LOTF is c**p compared to Dark Souls (which LOTF was heavily inspired by)
    Same price on steam (compared to the original DS), 140+ hours less of gameplay, lazy design of monsters, repetitive, slow and frustrating combat etc etc
    However my brother (he played them both) has told me that LOTF it's a decent game for anyone who hasn't played DS and that is worth a try (its bad reviews on steam are mostly the result of comparison with the superior DS)
    With these in mind (and only if there aren't any game breaking iAP's, which via @lurchroboter it isn't the case) I still want to give it a try by the end of the week, when hopefully I should have the time to play it

    EDIT: Nevermind, I've just watched some iOS videos of this game, it has nothing to do with the original LOTF. Is just a clone of infinity blade series, the only real elements from the console LOTF being the locations..
    My bad for not watching the iOS trailer first :(
  3. Rain1dog

    Rain1dog Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    Dark Souls clone on a touch screen.... keeping with the insane amount of dodging, rolling, parrying, attacking super twitch based and degree of difficulty... just don't see the average iOS gamer lasting long. It would kick their ass as it kicks players asses with super tight responsive physical controls.
  4. blindmuggy

    blindmuggy Active Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    This is a very freemium style of game for a very premium price, I feel that not long now it'll go free so I would wait for that it's quite a repetitive gameplay but is quite fun I haven't hit a pay wall and you can grind as much as you want but the layout and progression system is very much free to play, it's an enjoyable game but not worth the price tag for sure already asked for a refund and funnily enough apple gave it instantly.

    Good game, fun, time killer but don't buy wait till it comes free which I feel it will when they realise it's not making money as a paid game
  5. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    This is not a Dark Souls clone. It's an Infinity Blade styled sequel to Lords of the Fallen, which was a Dark Souls clone. The first game in the series wasn't that bad. This was f2p in the soft launch.

    I was a huge Lords of the Fallen lore fan and this game scratched the itch in soft launch. But not for $10. I'll wait till the console version gets its sequel that they were working on.
  6. fulcizombie

    fulcizombie Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2011
    Definately not worth it for 10€. Considering it's just an IB clone, it's a rip off.
  7. TywinTheVile

    TywinTheVile Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
    #27 TywinTheVile, Feb 8, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
    It definitely looks like a reskin of IB3, right down to the forge and "potion brewing". The graphics feel outdated and are certainly not updated to be better than IB3. The IAP are for hard currency just like IB did. The controls are somewhat responsive but no where near as smooth as IB. Stick with the IB franchise if this is the type of gameplay you want. $10 for this isn't worth it as it adds nothing to update the IB swipe style combat. Oh well.

    You can play offline so that's a plus I guess.
  8. Jetjet

    Jetjet Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2010
    The only clone of Dark Souls on Ios is the fantastic Wayward Souls IMO
  9. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Ire is more similar to DS and fantastic.
  10. Poo

    Poo Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    Yeah I got it free with gold a few months ago, still haven't played it though.
  11. Airpegy

    Airpegy Member

    Jul 11, 2015
    I paid it and so far I'm not impress at all
  12. TywinTheVile

    TywinTheVile Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
  13. dasker4444

    dasker4444 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2016
    That scam, with that gameplay so poor, could do something better, are $ 10 and with purchases in app. They want to see the face of fools.
  14. TywinTheVile

    TywinTheVile Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
    I don't like to shit on a developers hard work and efforts and I am glad that they went premium. I am sure the team put forth a lot of time to make this game but it didn't turn out well. I don't know if I would call it a scam but it does feel like a ploy to get as many upfront purchases they can because they felt F2P may not monetize well for what feels like an IB3 reskin. The sound effects even sound similar to IB3.

    ####, it made me want to play IB3 and I played that stupid franchise to death.
  15. Bumpygames

    Bumpygames Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2016
    it looks intersting Game
    Nice Graphics...
    hope it runs good on ipad mini 3
  16. dasker4444

    dasker4444 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2016
    I'm a bit picky, why I like premium games, but if I'm going to pay $ 10 I would do it for a work of art, bioshock, an adaptation of dmc, or bayonetta, quality games. With more open gameplay and better game mechanics, infinity blade mechanics were good in their time, but are already obsolete, with so many options that use Unity, unreal engine among others, in addition to the mfi gamepad, to summarize the game Is very mediocre in every sense of the word and I think that we as users should require developers to play premium quality games, iPhone hardware is currently quite good with excellent features and power. To summarize I think that the developers who do garbage should go bad for them to learn that either give us quality games or better do not get anything. I had high expectations with this game and well the result was #
  17. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I like the gameplay and visuals, I'm just disappointed by the amount of IAP there.. rewards are not that great and I can't buy pretty much anything valuable because the prices are crazy high.. I finished 5 worlds already, didn't spend anything yet and I don't even have enough coins to buy boots or helmet for my character's current level.. considering you're offered with items like armor, helmets, boots, gloves, rings, two types of weapons etc, it's impossible to earn such amount coins in one lifetime. Not to mention there are 3 different characters.. with different items for each.. oh, there's IAP to unlock all the items.. it's 59,99€, say what? there are other IAP for coins, but 100K coins (which is not enough for a single piece of armor for character on level 6) is 1,39€, 1,5M is 11,99€ and 10M is 59,99€ which still wouldn't be enough to buy everything for even single character.. I mean, is this a joke? how is this game premium with 9,99€ price tag? even the original version of the game for X1 and PS4 was already free for PS+ and Gold members and subscribers, this is just ridiculous! This has nothing to do with "premium" content.
  18. Mithion

    Mithion Member

    Feb 14, 2017
    So its Infinity Blade and every other IB clone...got it...$10?????? Gotta be kidding me

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