Hi iCloud is one thing, but do u plan to add restore purchases?. So if I purchase a pirate and play on another device I don't have to purchase the pirate again?
The first screen you get to when you run the game has a little 'cog' in the top left corner. If you press that it takes you to a menu with a 'restore purchases' option. Haven't tried it myself on another device yet to see if it works though. Edit: Just tried it and the Pirate does restore on another device. Though originally I bought the Pirate because he came bundled with 2000 coins, but the coins didn't restore on my second device.
Strange. The button appeared for me after the tutorial was finished. I'm on a 5s though I don't think that's the issue.
Bug report Bug report: killed an enemy while I was in front of the closed door. Enemy was in the same last row as me. Killing the enemy opened the door just as the final floor section fell. I fell to my death but the game is responding like I'm still alive, clearly I'm not alive. The attachment is how the game currently looks.
Amazing game! Super addicting and oh so fun I've been obsessively playing for the past couple days....I just bought the pirate yesterday...he's my absolute fav so far, the parrot is super handy for collecting coins. I love the quests & special unlockables characters , I like working towards goals...never have I actually wanted to step in kitty poo before ...heheh... This game has some interesting things I've not seen before, the character menu is one of the best I've come across...love being able to see what each one does!
Is the Dev on the board here? I am desperately hoping that try make it so if the game crashes (which it does constantly on my 4s but is fun enough that I still play) or you leave the game for some reason, it still gives you the credit for finishing a mission. I've for the same three like four times so far because when I die it crashes. It's probably because it's overheating or runs out of RAM which the former happens a lot when I play and am charging but it's weird that it doesn't save state more often like most games. If you don't make it past the continue screen all your progress is lost if it crashes or is closed and is driving me insaaaaane. Of course having a better device would help, but still, it's an oddity really.
Hey sorry to hear you're having some trouble. Make sure recording is off and the quality is set to low in the options (it's the gear icon in the top left). We found that the iPhone 4 ran the game "okay", but it's no the best experience and maybe in the future we can make some optimizations to help out lower devices. Surprisingly for a simple looking game there's a lot of complex stuff going on (monster AI, attacks/projectiles, random level generation).
Tried it out and posted a bit of gameplay video. tl;dw: I'm terrible at this game, but it's pretty sweet. The core gameplay is satisfying and the variety of characters is interesting. I'm not sure how it'll hold up in the long run, but I might end up doing more videos as I become less terrible. Cheers! Kinak
I did not realize there is an option to set it to low. I'll try that and see if helps. It's a 4s if that matters. I'll report back just does e sake of reporting. Thanks regardless!!
I unlocked one of the characters near the end that are dark and don't have an unlock description. Pyro Mage: Lit 150 touches Does any one know what the other hidden hero requirements are?
Can we have some more things to unlock please? I've run out of prize machine prizes. Whooops. My fault for buying the coin doubler. Great game, I'm really enjoying it. It's everything that Crossy Quest wasn't for me (when I fell off a log for the thousandth time). I still have to work out what all the secret unlocks are.
Crashy Dungeon? This crashes every time I play it, usually by about the eighth dungeon. Quite enjoying it, but think I will have to wait for an update. I've got an iPhone 6 on iOS 8.4, if any devs are paying attention.
The game crashes a lot and it can be frustrating, especially when you're going for a long run to unlock a character like the Spartan which requires 300 rooms with the Amazon. The game just crashed when I was at the 40th room with the Amazon and didn't register my progress. So from now on I'll do shorter runs, say 10 or 15 and then end it. There are some performance issues as well, I'm running the game at high settings with shadows enabled it tends to lag when multiple actions happen at the same time (enemy dying + door opening etc.)
Hey super sorry to hear about this. We're looking into crash bugs as much as we can. If the game's performance is low, we recommend setting the quality to low and turning off recording. Thanks for letting us know and it helps if you say what device you're using and what iOS version number.
Has anyone figured out how to unlock the last 5 characters in the lineup? I've unlocked everything else and can't seem to noodle this out?
Pyro mage can be unlocked by lighting up enough torches. Wizard can be unlocked by defeating the dark wizard. I don't know how to unlock the remaining four (These characters are actually the devs of this game).