iPhone Loot & Legends (by DropForge Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Rumblecat

    Rumblecat Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    Uh, because they're making money of the IAP..? If that's the answer to why it needs to be connected to the net. No idea.
  2. {SQUEEK}

    {SQUEEK} Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    #182 {SQUEEK}, Aug 11, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
    A better answer maybe it allows the developers to make small updates instead of going through ITunes which needs to be approved.

    I would also pay for a non network With IAP seeing that I don't use the IAP anyways. This game you really don't need it.
  3. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    I do really like this game, the servers are appalling though, very buggy. Hopefully it will be fixed soon in an update!
  4. Jim Shorts

    Jim Shorts Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2014
    Everyone seems to be getting hung up on the iap in the forum. So was I. I'm not a big fan of f2p games. I gave this a try and kept going, always fearful and mindful of the iap. I haven't needed it, really. I bought some just to feel like I was contributing to a really fun experience. I still have tons of iap, or pizzas, that I'm not necessarily using. It is truly a really fun game.
  5. Opheus

    Opheus Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Bummer you can't replay a stage to farm loot, I finish the campaign and now there is no more thing to do. Ironically they name it LOOT & legend then limit your ability to farm loot
  6. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I just won a gold cup arena battle at the start of the second turn. It helped that the AI opened with the genius move of healing all allies in range!

    The priest got turned to mincemeat, and the mage got knocked back into the lava she had tried to escape from. A lucky hand of movement cards meant i had all 3 of the team in the victory area so it was game over.
  7. Nigon

    Nigon Member

    Mar 27, 2014
    Decent enough game, not sure how far I am but hit the level cap so I'm sure it's about fine tuning synergy as battles get harder. Unfortunately I can't do this because it crashes after approx 20 seconds or so in the equip screen, almost every time on my iPad 2. Will revisit if I see an update to fix this as I'm not buying a new device at this time. I also get this sense that I want more classes than just the base ones with the possibility of taking a different team into battle as needed.
  8. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    #188 Misguided, Aug 12, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
    You know, I liked Card Hunter. I didn't play super far, primarily because I felt the game was better suited to mobile. And now I am digging Loot & Legends. And I want to support the developers. I would have happily paid ten or twenty bucks for this. But I find the IAP system so aggravating and intrusive, I refuse to buy it. I don't feel too bad, since I did put some money into card Hunter, but Still...

    At any rate, the loot distribution seems to have changed dramatically since the CH release. Epic loot seems far more rare. I've played quite a bit and still have commons in some slots.
  9. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    My thoughts:

    1. On the fence, not dropped a dime yet, dunno if I should go on or not cause I have hit a Chieftain which I cannot beat after multiple tries

    2. If you go back to the previous levels, you get no gold, no chest, no xp, nothing! So, no grinding

    3. But(!) there seems to be a bug(?) which allows you to rollback to a couple of levels back before the last one, which gives you normal reward. It only happens after you played the rewind, rewardless level...strange...

    4. However, there is always the arena, you get chests and additional awards (but no xp?) by playing

    5. It seems that non-paying player can only get pizza from the arena, sad

    6. Loading time varies, even some time my 3G connection is better than my home WiFi, on my iPad Mini 2

    7. One need to re-download everything, even if you pause in the middle of a level, is super annoying.

    P.S. The only thing Card Dungeon done right, and L&L does not, is that one can rotate the board. PC version does not allow board rotation is not a proper excuse.
  10. Saucepolicy

    Saucepolicy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2009
    Crispy ex-game developer
    Since the devs obviously have to be diplomatic, I'll be the jerk. You liked Card Hunter because it was a totally free game and if you spent money on it, it was out of the goodness of your heart. If you hadn't noticed, it meant to be F2P just like this, but the loot tables were so off you got spammed with loot and epics that there was no compelling reason to spend.

    You SHOULD have some commons in some slots, do you expect all the best loot to just be handed to you? Where's the challenge? No one seems to complain about the same forces at work in Hearthstone as it takes in 20 mill a month. Or any other CCG.

    And the problem with a few of you vocal minority saying that you'd happily pay twenty bucks for this game is that on mobile, there's about a dozen of you. The rest would start complaining about a two dollar price tag, let alone twenty. Hard to build a sustainable business under those conditions.
  11. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Uhm, first off, I didn't complain about the loot, I made an observation. One of the reasons I don't like the IAP is that it disrupts the difficulty curve of the game by handing you epic gear, so you're assumption is flat-out wrong.

    Furthermore, I didn't criticize their choice of going free-to-play. Again, I expressed my feelings abut wanting to support the company but not wishing to do it via this system. I want the game and the developer to succeed. I also think it's a shame I'm playing a game I'm enjoying but haven't paid for. So kindly take your assumptions about who I am and what I think and shove 'em.
  12. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    Now even I'm at it.. Look, normally iap doesn't bother me that much anymore, it's a proven method of a company getting a game to a larger audience and then making some money, fair enough.

    But, this time based system, seems a little off to me, especially as it runs even when you aren't on the game, as we all know mobile gaming is the very essence of pick up, put down, pick up play and this system just seems diametrically opposed to that. Added to that is the slightly insidious "look what you coulda' won" fact they show the better loot you ain't getting if you aren't a club member.

    It's not one of the better iap systems I've seen, and by that I mean it's one of the only iaps I've seen for a while I have zero interest in buying because it seems.... Shady.

    However, that being said I still am loving the game, it's strategic, funny, well thought out and I really enjoy the presentation of it too. It's a game I'll play for a while, especially as the way they can add new campaigns is wonderful, they would have just got more money out of me with a different iap model.
  13. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    I think the timed aspect is the most frustrating part. If they had instead given you a number of keys, for example, and they showed you a bonus item you could choose to unlock with a key, that would have worked better for me. That way, you wouldn't feel like you were wasting anything, and it could help round out your gear if you are having trouble getting gear at a particular slot without breaking the difficulty curve.

    I know there are people that don't like paying for mmo subs, because they feel like if they aren't playing constantly, they are wasting their money. This system is like that on steroids. Heck, even getting club time for free is frustrating. I have played a number of free to play games that I liked and some I supported modestly. But I have figured out that when I start scheduling my day around when I need to play, it's time to move on.
  14. geoelectric

    geoelectric Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2010
    San Jose, CA
    Game is excellent, but the costs for Loot Club are so, so far off the desktop version that it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The price of a day on mobile approaches a week on desktop, and a week on mobile is close to a month on desktop, etc. The costs for Pizza are a little cheaper on mobile, but it still comes across as super-expensive.

    With no real reason to have both, going back to desktop. Hopefully the "solution" won't be to raise the desktop prices, because they're pretty well homed in on a value where I'm willing to give money. Mobile, not so much.
  15. GiHubb

    GiHubb Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Apr 27, 2010
    I've played through the first campaign and started a few on the second one, additionally played a bit of arena. So, yeah, it's a fun game so far but -
    - I dislike the level progression a-la Candy Crush, it's so linear and bland. I much prefer the map in CH - it just feels more epic, as if you're wandering a real world, uncovering it's secrets.
    - there's no other way to put it, but the IAP is ugly. The loot club dangles a carrot in front of your face all the time, which is a disturbing psychological trick. The fact you can't pay once to unlock it for good adds to this feeling. I would have gladly paid $10 to unlock it and be done with it. The worse part of IAP is that I just lose trust in the game. Is it fair? Can't know for sure.
    - a pity we can't replay old levels for more loot. But maybe it's a balance thing.

    Overall - good game so far with disturbing IAP.
  16. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Is everyone missing the fact that every item you collect that need Loot Club to unlock stays in your inventory? If you play the arena you can gain access to it then all those items you collect will now become accessible.

    You never lose any item you collect after a round.

    So basically the game can be played for "FREE" and still give you access to all the Epic loot. So stop crying about something you're never going to pay for anyway

    Can you play the game without the Loot Club? Hell yes you can class dismissed
  17. {SQUEEK}

    {SQUEEK} Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2012

    That was what I am saying. I never quite understood this IAP argument.
  18. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Not sure if this is correct. I've played a lot of Arena and when I wasn't in the club the epic items that were not available didn't magically appear in my inventory next time I WAS in the club. I could be wrong and am going to watch this more carefully but with the ease of getting in the club for free... why would they give you items you didn't get earlier? If they allowed you to "stockpile" earlier items when you weren't in the club what incentive would anybody have for spending any real money?

    On that note I've played the heck out of this without paying a penny... You'll collect many a cool item with or without the club free sessions... To the point I'm sending some $$$ as a reward for all the enjoyment I've gotten out of it.

    They "guilted" me to pulling out my wallet. Now that's a good app #
  19. Ubisububi

    Ubisububi Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2009
    Let's hope more players start doing that. I just checked Apple's "Top Apps" list and this game isn't on it at all - and I checked all 180 or so Apps.

    Unless I'm missing something (and I may be because I don't enjoy F2P mechanics so don't pay attention to how long it takes for IAPs to start being tallied on the App Store) it seems like the microtransactions in Loot and Legends are a bit too generous. I hope I'm wrong here...

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