Looking for programmer or developer - collaboration done right

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by RevolvingDoor, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. RevolvingDoor

    RevolvingDoor Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    This is an open call for an unpaid collaboration. Normally, I am the first to speak out against such things. Making games is a lot of hard, time-consuming work, and people's priorities tend to change. It's hard to get something finished unless there's money involved.

    Bear with me, put the torches and the pitchforks away, because what I have in mind is a little bit different.

    I am looking for someone to write the code for (and possibly publish) a space-shooter with some RPG elements thrown in. Here's the different part: I already have about 90% of the art and game design completed. My partner would have quality resources to work with right off the bat. I expect to be 100% finished by the time I find a partner. That means that if my partner does their share of the work, the game will be ready to ship -- there is no risk of the project dying halfway into the development cycle.

    Proof-of-concept screens are below:


    Who I'm looking for: a programmer or indie developer with a good bit of game experience. Anyone who is interested is encouraged to link me to published games, video of a personal project they're working on -- anything like that. I want to know that you can code an arcade-style shooter with some RPG elements, and I want to know that you can make it run on the iDevices. My ideal partner would probably be an indie developer with some published games, who doesn't have a very big budget to dedicate to art. If you think you are that person, please contact me via PM or reply to this post.

    I think this project has a shot at success. There is precedence for this sort of thing; Grumpyface Studios has created a pretty delightful game called Wispin in much the same way. You can read about it here: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=75335

    A bit about myself: I have 9 years of experience as a freelance artist in the game industry. I have completed work on a couple of PC titles and quite a few iPhone apps, most of which are games. I can send additional samples of my work and a list of published games upon request.

    I am looking forward to hearing from anyone who's interested.

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