Looking for international testers for Triple Agent (DE, PT_BR, EL, FR)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Tasty Rook, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. Tasty Rook

    Tasty Rook New Member

    May 29, 2017
    Game Development Studio
    #1 Tasty Rook, Oct 12, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2017
    Hi! We are currently working on a localization update for our mobile party game Triple Agent! that came out on Android and iOS in June of this year. Members from our awesome community have finished translating all the game's text into German, Brazilian Portuguese, Greek, and French. If you speak any of these languages and would be able to play a game with 5-9 people (you only need one phone), please sign up here: https://www.triple-agent.com/loc-beta-signup. You can switch languages at any time so you could even play it in more than one language!

    If you know of any other places where we might be able to post this and get more testers that speak these languages, we'd love to hear about them.

    Also if you are interested in contributing to community translation into a language you speak (especially Dutch or Italian, we have partially completed translations already), please get in touch [email protected].



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