I am looking for another developer to finish off a fairly simple iPhone game for me. I have all the artwork finished, but I just don't have an time to spend on coding. This would be a split-profit job. If you're interested, contact me at my [email protected]
Hi, Just an fyi. We generally don't allow these type of posts as they are considered advertising, and it opens the door to a lot of recruitment posts. I'll post some sort of "policy" information as, obviously, we do allow developers to post their apps, and that could also be considered advertising. arn
Oops! Sorry about that. Maybe you could make another section of the development forum for this sort of stuff.
Admin, is there a place here in the forums to try and get a developer to help a non-programmer make their app idea a reality?
Yes. Yes. I would like a place where we could contact developers for help too. Let us know. It helps everyone. B.
i think it is only fair that if developers can come here to advertise their finished games, why they cant come here before hand asking for help with the games? Seems only fair.
Where to find iphone developers? Hi, I didn't realize that recruitment posts were discouraged.. sorry. Any suggestions for where to put one? It would be great to have a forum for that. ashmeer