Looking for a Programmer

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Sinecure Industries, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Sinecure Industries

    Sinecure Industries Well-Known Member

    Hi folks,

    As our projects become steadily more involved and complicated we find that we are in need of someone that is dedicated to iOS programming. We have a huge backlog of projects that we want to finish and we're looking for someone confident in their abilities.

    As it stands now, we can work out compensation in a few ways. We can either work a per-project fee basis, a % share of the app, or a combination of those.

    We do everything but the programming (game design & development, artwork, sound, marketing, etc.) so we want someone that just wants to program and have fun.

    If you're interested, please e-mail Mike at "info @ sinecureindustries.com"

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