Looking for a Phonegap (or similar) programmer to port our app

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by kukulcan, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. kukulcan

    kukulcan Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    We want our travel app to go multiplatform, as widespread as possible.

    The app uses many features like GPS, Camera, Compass and Gamecenter & Minigames but we want a basic version for now not that doesnt need anything more than a touchscreen.

    - a (scrolling) map with 'X's distributed by GPS coordinates converted to pixels (data in a points list)
    - Overview screens for every X with 1-4 Sub-Locations with 2 images (linking to the detail screens) and 1 text each (3 languages, existing strings files shall be used)
    - Detail screens of types:
    -- Gallery (pics side by side to browse through)
    -- Zoom (one huge pic which can be pinched and scrolled)
    -- Now & Then Slider (two pictures side by side)
    -- Now & Then & ... Slider (three pictures that you flip through)
    -- Panorama (just an 8000x640px image to scroll through
    -- Spherical Panorama (Cubemap or any other format - not needed for first version)
    -- Movie

    One music track playing all the time.

    App is universal with slightly different UI on iPhone/iPad, we would base this version on iPhone (wider screen, scrolling map, everything else zoomed in to fit, just a text reader function would be needed to keep it readable in all resolutions).

    Paid work if price is acceptable (which means affordable for us), maybe profit share or mixed model if preferred.

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