Looking for a game artist for an Indie company

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Lord Draco lupus, Oct 26, 2022.

  1. Lord Draco lupus

    Lord Draco lupus New Member

    Oct 26, 2022
    hello everyone

    my name is Lord Draco lupus, and I am with a few friends from Full sail university and my high school are looking to put together an Indie company for Video games and comics. the only problem is I am a writer and an Idea's guy, I am currently trying to learn blender to fill out our games with the assets we can't find online. I am reaching out to find a game artist and if you can Ilestrate comics even better. I biggest thing of the company is we all get paid when we sell products so it's a free position for now but the more we make the more we get paid. if your interested please reach out through email [email protected] or over Discord Lord Dragonwolf#1021

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