Looking for a experienced unity programmer.

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by LookingtoHire, May 11, 2019.

  1. LookingtoHire

    LookingtoHire New Member

    May 11, 2019
    Looking for experienced Unity Game Designer.

    Must be able to work in person. For this its best for anyone interested to be from Bentonville AR or in short driving distance of Bentonville AR. This project is very short 1 to 3 weeks max 4 weeks. This project requires the simplest and basic FPS 3D level building and skills. Judging on work performance you can be considered for the next project which will be much longer. Only those interested email me and I'll send you my phone number and will discuss everything further such as pay. And if come to terms I will have you sign a NDC and we will begin short time frame.

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