Looking for a dev/s

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Chem7, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Chem7

    Chem7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Hi Guys,

    I have partners that are looking for two devs for two separate projects:

    Project one:

    One of my partners has dev'd a side scroll shooter that is pretty much complete his team ganked him at the last minute. So he has a game that is almost complete. The levels just need to be complete. It is probably about 6 weeks work for a single dev with the prospect of future work on other projects. The band itself is pretty l337 and considered to be one of the top brands in the world of gaming today. there will be a social gaming aspect to this and the guy will pay for you implementing Scoreloops core social platform.

    Project two:

    Is basically a very simple video shell. All of the logic is done server side. It is not huge money, but it is a decent gig. Again, extra funds will be available from the dev for implementing Core Social.

    You can get me on: [email protected] feel free to mail me with your contact details.


  2. Chem7

    Chem7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Actually, sorry; I posted this in the wrong forum, tnx mods.
  3. Chem7

    Chem7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Seriously, I will give the gig to Glem Beck.

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