Hey guys I'm coming to you for help cause when it comes to case shopping I suck. I'm looking for a good, protective rubber or silicone case for the iPod Touch 2G. Any?? Thanks. Remember; PROTECTIVE. And no pink cases please!
I was at lost on this too. Went through a few and I actually found the Walmart brand of Belkin to be perfect for me. Its a slip over type but its made of silicone and this is perfect for gaming cuz tried a few others (plastic, etc) and they all got to be so it would slip from my fingers after awhile. The silicone keeps my fingers firmly gripped even after a long game session and it fits great around my Touch nice and snug....they got them for the phone too. And you can use the buttons w/o any problems either.
Link? I have a Belkin one now. I might just replace it with a new one............but I wanna see if there's a better one. I have this one. It's been good to me. http://store.apple.com/us/product/TU178LL/A?n=ipodtouch2&fnode=MTY1NDA4Mg&mco=MjQyNzMwMg&p=1&s=topSellers
Heres the one to Walmart thats the same as mine except mines all black. Might be same as yours? Why are you looking for another? Curious to know if you got a problem that I might forsee with mine later.....(wear/tear,etc?) Edit: just seen your link....yea....looks the same but different color but BIG price difference. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=10737420
I want a diferent look.........plus since it's rubber / sillicone it tends to get a bit big from taking it on and off. I was wondering if there was some other nice one. If I can't find it I'll order the same one I have now but in a diferent color (but from Walmart cause it has a huge price diference)
This is what I got for my gf: http://www.iskin.com/touchvibes/features_pattern.html?cart=1238007166368257 It works great. And looks good. Comes in a bunch of colors.
This one is teasing me. Its $35! So my iTunes money would go to it instead. But I don't like having the home button incased much. Has anyone tried it? It is good / protective? http://www.iskin.com/touchduo/features_pattern.html?cart=1238007166368257
OK I'm sold on this one: http://www.iskin.com/touchduo/features_pattern.html?cart=1238007166368257 Anyone know where I can get it cheaper? They charge $35 + $7 shipping.
Idk what color you want. But this site has them for cheaper: Clear/Black: http://www.jr.com/iskin/pe/ISK_ISKTCH2GCR/ Black: http://www.jr.com/iskin/pe/ISK_ISKTCH2GBK/ Actually amazon has then for $17: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B001KUN1HS/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&qid=1238012606&sr=8-1&condition=new http://www.amazon.com/s/qid=1238012533/ref=sr_gnr_fkmr?ie=UTF8&node=&search-alias=aps&field-keywords=iSkin%20touch%20Duo
Black. Thanks!! I have to wait for money to transfer to PayPal so I'll wait see if someone has it cheaper
http://www.jr.com/iskin/pe/ISK_ISKTCH2GBK/ ehh.......think others beat me too it. $10 bucks cheaper w/ their discount.
Yeah they beat you. Thanks guys!! BTW it's more than $10. iSkin charges $35 + $7 shipping. These guys charge $25 + $3-4 shipping. Now just to wait for PayPal transfer to finish. Or for someone to post another case I like better.
Seconding this, I've owned about half a dozen cases and this is by far the best one so far. It's really the best of both worlds between a hard and soft case. I've been debating ordering another one in a different color just for fun.
I'm also looking for a case for my new 2nd Gen. Is it just the RebelTouch that is good or are the NeoTouch and the ColorsTouch decent as well? Also are the screen protectors that come with them good, or should I buy a better one? Thanks.
thats the same one that i had except the lines on the back are white.....it was a good case it starts to fade at the corners after a while... the one im using rite now is just a junkie one that came with my screen protector im looking for a new one to..