Looking for 2D artist

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Verisutha, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. Verisutha

    Verisutha Member

    Aug 21, 2009
    Hi all,

    We are working on a large scale MMORTS. We have spent the last several months perfecting the network and game engine.

    Currently we are at the point where we are starting to work on the game play. We would like to add an artist to our team.

    If you are looking to join a team and work on a project together, and probably more future projects toss me a PM with details of what you would be looking for as far as compensation please include a link to some of your work.

    We would prefer someone that would be interested in a portion of the earnings from the game, but we are also open to paying for your work outright.

    If you need to send something via e-mail please contact me in a PM and I will provide you with a direct e-mail contact address.

    Thanks for your time.



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