We are in need of Translation In German for our friends over in Deutschland. Das Boot is unexpectedly sell quite well on the other side of the pond. We will offer a $25 iTunes Giftcard and a Promo Code for Das Boot in exchange for about one page worth of translation into German. Thanks Guys!
Hehe I don't think German people can use a promo code, unless they have a US iTunes account. And here's a question I had for some time: if you'd get a US $25 gift card, can someone with a German iTunes account use it? (If you need a Dutch translation - I translated several software titles for the Windows Mobile platform from English to Dutch. Maybe you don't have that much sales in the Netherlands, but if you do - I can help. )
Promo codes are US-Only but I don't care, I'll just do it for the heck of it. and for the 25 bucks gift certificate of course.
Not with the German account, but you could create an US account. If you have an US gift card you will be able to create an US account (okay, you need also an US address, but you can just use the address of a hotel somewhere in USA).
@iGewappnet Hm yes, I guess that that's the only way. It's no problem if it works though. And is it possible to purchase games with a German iTunes account and with a US iTunes account and have them synced to your iPod Touch / iPhone at the same time? Or can you only use the apps/games from one account at the same time? I hope SudoWorks doesn't mind me going offtopic, hopefully they already achieved the goal that they started this topic for. Edit - never mind, PayPal would probably be best for me. But I'm not German and you already have offers. I hope the German translation boosts sales even more, good luck to you, SudoWorks!!