List Of Adventure Games (Part 2)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by PointOfLight, May 5, 2011.

  1. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    #4561 paul.hendricks, Oct 17, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2012
  2. Pepper2427

    Pepper2427 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Wits End
  3. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    They were one of the first games I played on my iPad (based on Teagan's raves about them) and I really enjoy them. Good plot, graphics, and a different way to play the standard adventure game. I haven't played this one, but I would expect it to be just as good.

  4. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    I know this isn't an adventure game, but I seem to remember several people liking this series:

    Build-a-Lot 3: Passport to Europe

    The game is still made by the same developers, but is now published by G5e. The link is to the TA forum.
  5. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    I haven't played the iPad versions, but I loved the first two on the PC. Haven't had the chance to play part 3 yet (since I didn't finish part 2), but this is definitely one of my favorite BFG series to date.
  6. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    It looks like it comes out tonight, according to Pocket Gamer (it is about 2/3 of the way down the page in the Universal section)

  7. tielore

    tielore Well-Known Member

    Nice to hear you're looking forward to Tesla's Electric Mist coming out.

    We still have one more beta test we're planning on running. Hoping it will be a quick one. PointOfLight, if you were one of the previous beta testers, we'll let you know when we're ready for that; possibly the end of next week. And barring any really nasty bugs, we should be good to publish shortly after.

    So the overall schedule at this point is about 1.5 weeks left on development, 1 week for the last beta and bug fixes, then submit to apple, android, nook, and kindle. So to be honest, when I post my time line, it doesn't really include how long the different stores take for their review process.
  8. mrsleny

    mrsleny Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2012
    Toronto, Canada
    I *LOVED* them especially the first one. Wonderful storyline, superb graphics and music. Really good gameplay, more adventure and puzzles, in fact I don't remember any HOGs. I didn't want the game to end and like any good story I was quite sad when it was over.

    I already bought the 3rd one when it came out in Canada a few weeks ago. I'm waiting until Christmas break maybe to have a Drawn marathon.
  9. elvis333

    elvis333 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
    I have been thinking a lot of my Atari 2600 game playing days, particularly the game Raiders of the Lost Ark which was probably my first foray into an adventure game with puzzles and an inventory. I had completed that game and didn't even know it, it was so confusing! Anyway, I stumbled on a free game called Don't Look Back that brings back some of that old school nostalgia (but is not at all a similar game to Raiders of the Lost Ark for 2600). The game is about 15-30 minutes long and is a side scrolling adventure with slight puzzle elements (a cruder Out of this World but cinematic nonetheless). After about 1 minute, you'll either love it or hate it and I think a lot depends on your age. If you were playing video games circa 1985 this should be a fun game to check out.
  10. elvis333

    elvis333 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
    The Hidden Runaway game seems to not be a point and click adventure but a HOG sort of game with some puzzles as well....... disappointing. here is a review I found. Too bad, if it was a point and click adventure I would have bought it.
  11. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    Haven't read the review, but from the few minutes I've spent with the game so far that is correct. I guess that's what the "Hidden" part means :) Seriously, though, I was extremely disappointed after playing it, because I was expecting another Yesterday, just with a more comical attitude. As far as I know the PC games from the Runaway series are all adventure games, so I'm not really sure why they chose to make their first iOS installment a HoG.
  12. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    First of all, congrats. From what I've heard Raiders Of The Lost Ark was a real pain to finish (personally, I never did). After reading this I am excited to check out Don't Look Back, though. It was on my list anyway, but now it sounds even more enticing :)
  13. I'm disappointed to see all the bad reviews of Reversion and Hidden Runaway. Was lookin forward to both of them.
  14. elvis333

    elvis333 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
    Not many apps on the horizon to look forward to for the remainder of this year that I know of. I thought Hidden Runaway was going to be an IOS version of the Runaway series - which would have been a must purchase - too bad it's not a point and click adventure game and seems like a "cash-in" on the brand. I really can't wait for Mosaika from Fire Maple Studios - but I have no idea when that's coming out. That's numero uno on the "can't wait" list. Also, the new Phoenix Wright release - not really a point and click adventure, but in the same "family" is coming out soon. I had played the first one on the ds and loved it and have never played any other in the series - the first game was great though. Also City of Secrets was supposed to have a sequel come out - but who knows when?
  15. FeNoMeN

    FeNoMeN Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
  16. Pepper2427

    Pepper2427 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Wits End
  17. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    #4577 paul.hendricks, Oct 22, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2012
    I remember someone really liked Elephant Games work (I can't remember who, though) and there is a new one out this morning from BFG:

    Found: A Hidden Object Adventure

    I haven't spent enough time to develop an opinion yet, but it is definitely unusual.

    Edit: just noticed that this is falling into the "freemium" category...bleah...
  18. mrsleny

    mrsleny Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2012
    Toronto, Canada
    Might have been me. I love Elephant Games. I didn't know this was by them. As soon as I saw it was freemium I passed. It's has been out in Canada for a few weeks. Same with the Dorian Gray one.
  19. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
  20. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    I truly hope that freemium doesn't become a trend with BFG. I believe it is starting to really hurt iOS fans. I absolutely understand the desire for a continuous revenue stream, but I have yet to see a iOS gamer post anything but vitriol for freemium titles--mostly I see the preference for premium titles.


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