List Of Adventure Games (Part 2)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by PointOfLight, May 5, 2011.

  1. TheMoonwalls

    TheMoonwalls Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2010
    Hi everyone!
    My new point&click adventure is in production, and I have a little doubt:
    As I said, this is a third person perspective game with pixel art graphics - some of my backgrounds are bigger than the screen, so as you walk, the camera moves.
    All backgrounds are made with a one, or two point perspective. My problem is the perspective of characters (both NPC, and main character - he is not always in the middle, as you can drag the screen with your finger, as well).
    I watched few videos of old adventure games: the first parts of Monkey Island series, and old Indiana Jones game.
    Not sure if I'm right, but as far as I can see, the creators of those games used simple character perspective:
    Please, take a look since 0:30 - no matter where the NPC character is on the screen, he always is visible from the side (when he walks).
    So, as far as I understand, this is not a real life perspective, right?
    Or am I missing something?

    Thank you for any help and suggestions!
  2. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    I can only speak for myself, but unless I saw the character move off screen to shift the perspective, I would be confused by an off-screen interaction. It is a little hard to envision what you are speaking to otherwise, do you have any footage from your app that would show the perspective? If you are concerned about release of the footage, you could use a PW protected media link or something of the sort.

  3. TheMoonwalls

    TheMoonwalls Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2010
    Hi Paul! Thank you for your answer.
    I'll upload some screenshots as soon as I have any background, and characters finished.

    You can click this link to see what I'm talking about:

    (This is not a game graphics, and characters are not actual characters from the game ;))

    There is a point of perspective. As you can see walls are made from this point. Also there are 3 characters - one in the left, one in the middle, and one in the right part of the screen.

    Character number 2 is made in the right perspective - it's right under the perspective point, so you don't see any side of him.

    Character number 1 is in the left from the perspective point. So you should be able to see his left side (side of his head, side of his arms, legs, body, etc.)

    Character number 3 is in the right from the perspective point. So you should be able to see his right side (side of his head, side of his arms, legs, body, etc.)

    I made lines from perspective point to each place of the each character, so you can see what I'm talking about. It's simple - characters are flat. Background is in semi 3D (you can see three dimensions), but characters are 2D (two dimensions).

    I simply could make characters unmovable, and just draw them in the right perspective. But I want to have "living" backgrounds - characters will be for example walking around the scene.
    So if character number 1 goes to the character number 3, his perspective should be changing as he walks.
    But as far as I can understand, in Indiana Jones game (I gave you link in the earlier post) characters are flat as well (as they walk) - you just see their sides.
    Have no idea if this makes any sense, what I'm talking about.

    Here is my problem: I don't know if I should use flat (2D) characters, with flat animations (so when he walks you can see his side, no matter where he is on the screen). Or if I should make them more like 3D (so when he walks through the screen (from left to right), you see his side, and front, then only his side, and at the end his side, and his back.
  4. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    Well, since this is a game I don't think it needs to mimic real life perspective completely :) Unless I'm not totally understanding what you're saying, it doesn't seem to match with the video link you provided. I often see the characters' backs when they are moving towards the back of the screen and their front side as they move toward the screen. Left and right is a "true" side perspective, while standing appears to be an angled perspective. This seems to hold pretty much true with what I remember from the old Sierra games as well, except for maybe the skewed side perspective when standing.

  5. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    Please don't make things static. Movement is good :) Seriously, though, I would go with the more "3D" approach, even if the characters aren't truly 3D.
  6. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
  7. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    Thanks, I understand now. While I agree with Eric in that the 3d approach would make the game feel more alive, I think you could pull off the 2d/flat approach with a pixel art game, as more of a homage to older games. If it is a time/system/resource issue to do the 3d method, you should be able to present the 2d style as "old school".

  8. TheMoonwalls

    TheMoonwalls Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2010
    Thank you Paul, and Eric for all your help! :)
  9. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    #4429 paul.hendricks, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  10. Pepper2427

    Pepper2427 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Wits End
    A couple of new releases

    The Sultans Labyrinth - A Royal Sacrifice. I think this is the sequel to the Sultans Labyrinth. I wasn't overly impressed with that one

    and Beauty and the Beast CE on Ipad. Looks interesting and is quite cheap at £2.99 for the CE
  11. mrsleny

    mrsleny Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2012
    Toronto, Canada
    I played Beauty and the Beast on PC and it's a great game. Gorgeous graphics. Storyline might be too "girly" for some :) CE is well worth the price IMHO.
  12. Pepper2427

    Pepper2427 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Wits End
    Thanks for the glowing report. I'm glad I downloaded it now, before I had even got dressed this morning - I've got my priorities right :)
  13. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    I second that. I noticed the information on your web site but did not realize it had been released. Suppos I should pay attention once in a while :)
  14. TheMoonwalls

    TheMoonwalls Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2010
    Thanks guys! :)

    Wake up Mr. Moore! is a more different game than my previous titles - I wanted to try something else. Don't worry though, my next game will be a point&click adventure :)
  15. mrsleny

    mrsleny Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2012
    Toronto, Canada
  16. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    I played the original a while back and am working on the sequel right now. Definitely worth picking up for free (actually was worth paying a couple of bucks for as well).
  17. mrsleny

    mrsleny Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2012
    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks. Looking forward to it after I get through all the BFGs I picked up at the Labour Day sale. Working on Cursed Memories Secret of Agony Creek. I like it so far but not as much as some of Vast Studios' other games - Shattered Minds and Nightfall Mysteries. But it's nice to support a local company though BFG probably gets a considerable chunk of the cash.
  18. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    Duplicate...need more coffee before posting...
  19. Omg so excited about Murder Room by Ateam. Looks nice and creepy like Ellie :)
    Having some willpower and not starting it tonight, as I already spent way too much time today playing the Dark Knight Rises.
  20. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    In case anyone is interested, here's the link: Murder Room. So you're liking Dark Knight Rises, huh? I was pretty disappointed in Arkham City Lockdown. Is Dark Knight Rises more of a traditional Gameloft dual stick 3rd person game?

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