List Of Adventure Games (Part 2)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by PointOfLight, May 5, 2011.

  1. paul.hendricks

    paul.hendricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    State of Confusion!!
    Thanks for this. I liked the empress games a lot and will watch for it.

    BFG has had some odd US releases recently, hopefully this will put them back on track.

  2. kendahlj

    kendahlj Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    #4082 kendahlj, Aug 18, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2012
    Shill? Probably won't look at this game now (out of principle)
  3. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    So I finished The Missing - A Dangerous Truth. Overall I was disappointed. It started out with a sliding puzzle, which I hate, and then it was basically a series of twisted Where's Waldo type scenes. For being a simple 2D game I was frustrated that I often had to tap several times before it recognized my actions. The visuals weren't bad, and the music is decent, but it's over so quickly that it's almost not worth it. If they expanded the content 10 fold it might be worth your time, but as it sits right now I'd only recommend it if you had absolutely nothing else to play. Oh, and don't expect any of those "cryptic puzzles" mentioned in the iTunes description either, unless there's something I missed.
  4. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    I also played through the free portion of Gamebook Adventures 8: Infinite Universe. I was pretty excited about this one, because while I love the fantasy tales that have come before it, the change to a sci-fi setting was a breath of fresh air. I hope this isn't an indication of what to expect from the Judge Dredd title, which I have not had the chance to play yet, but I did not care for GA8. This is a first for me with the series, and I believe I've played all but one of them up to this point.

    The story itself just wasn't that interesting. With some of the earlier books I read several sections 2 or 3 times as I made multiple attempts through the book, and with this one I struggled to keep focused on it even the first time through. I was really excited about the enhanced game engine with skills, long and short range combat and vehicles, but you get to experience none of that in chapter one, which is all you get for free. In fact, I think it took me all of 5-10 minutes to get through the chapter, and while I get that it was because of the choices I made, I didn't get to engage in combat once. I suppose I could have gone through it again and made some different choices, but in all honesty once I realized that I had already finished chapter one my interest was gone.

    Maybe you guys will have a different experience, but personally I think I'm ready to move on and hope Judge Dredd fares better.
  5. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    This is like adventure game weekend for me! I just finished off Raiders Of The Lost Aardvark for iPad, an adventure game from Ranger Rick (anyone remember those magazines as a kid?) that teaches kids about animals and the nastiness of poachers will numbing your mind with the task of finding insanely hidden objects. It's actually not too bad of a game, and it will certainly keep your kids busy for a while, but I actually found it too difficult. Half the time you can't even tell what you're looking for because the search list is basically line object drawings, and then they color the objects the same as the background instead of the colors they actually should be. Towards the end I probably had to use two or three hints per screen. That's sad given how many hidden object games I play. The visuals (aside from the objects you're looking for) are pretty nice, and the music isn't too bad. The game is not overly long, comprised of 8 scenes and then a repeat of one. However, it's safe for kids because there is nothing "bad" in it. Not sure I'd recommend it if you're not going to get it for the kids, though.
  6. Teagan

    Teagan Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Ranger Rick mags still exist:) remember Highlights? That mag is still around too:) Sorry to hear that you haven't had the best of luck w games lately. However your reviews are greatly appreciated. I am craving a good game! BFG has been releasing garbage lately:( I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!
  7. mrsleny

    mrsleny Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2012
    Toronto, Canada
    The only thing I remember from Highlights is spot-the-differences. God I feel old now :)

    Agreed most of the BFG releases have been pretty awful though I did enjoy Nightfall Mysteries Black Heart. And the two latest releases in Canada, both CE, look promising - Mystery of the Ancients: Lockwood manor and Theatre of the Absurd: scarlet frost mystery (playing this right now).
  8. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    I know Ranger Rick is still around, I just don't read it any more :) I did read a Highlights magazine at my son's dentist's office the other day, though.
  9. kendahlj

    kendahlj Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    Highlights included what can only be considered the precursor to hidden object games.
  10. Coldar

    Coldar Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2008
    Upstate NY/USA
    Highlight's mag *sigh*....never thought it'd still be in production.
    Posting of it has brought back some forgotten memories of old.

    oh, noticed Animalia is free for the second time.
  11. mrsleny

    mrsleny Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2012
    Toronto, Canada
    Good call. I never even thought of that but you are absolutely right.
  12. podbud

    podbud Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2010
    Lots of adventure in that game I see. Those angry bird games are really annoying!

    Sorry. Couldn't resist.

    I've just about given up on The Haunt unfortunately. I did write to the devs and received a very nice reply, but not enough to sustain me. A shame.
  13. Teagan

    Teagan Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    The hidden object pages were my favorite! They were so popular that they published mags full of only the hidden objects pages:)
  14. I don't know why anyone would buy any of those Angry Birds knockoffs when there are like 10 different Angry Birds games to choose from. I wish Apple would keep out the games that offer nothing, and are just trying to ride on the success of other games.

    As for the Haunt, what made you give up? I'm in middle of a walkthrough, but then got side-tracked by other games (like Waking Mars). I will get back to the walkthrough, but until I do, people have been helping each other out in the comments section:

    The Haunt: Walkthrough

    I still like the game, I just find it's not one you can rush through. It has a lot of content, which is good, you just need to have the time to devote to it.

    As for Highlights magazine, I uses to love the hidden object games, too. But somehow they were more enjoyable than these HOGs we have now ;)
  15. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    This is hardly fair. We might as well just have one of any type of game then. First of all, Angry Birds is itself a clone, just not of an iOS game. And personally, I've played several others that are just as fun (Cannon Cadets, for example). What really annoys me is that there are like 10 different versions of Angry Birds available. Why do we need that? Rovio needs to stop resting on their laurels and come up with something new (and no, I don't count Amazing Alex since they basically bought that one and polished it up a bit). I gave up on Angry Birds a long time ago and don't feel like I'm missing anything, but some of these new "knock-offs" are actually quite fun. Sorry, this is a bit of a sore spot for me :)
  16. I'm not talking about other slingshot games that are good in their own right. Just like there are running games besides Temple Run that aren't just crummy knockoffs. But if a game has you launching birds to knock stuff down, it's an obvious attempt to fool people into thinking it's good just bc it resembles Angry Birds.
    For the record, I never liked the free versions of any Angry Birds games enough to buy them (I think I got one of the full games for free and never even bothered to play). I just don't really enjoy that type of game. But if I were, I'd acknowledge that at least theirs is a quality game and not just some slapped-together copy-cat game that doesn't even work.
  17. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    I hear you, but I honestly don't think that's the case with Chicken Raid. I haven't played it yet, but I have played several other FDG games, and while they do tend to mimic the popular draws of the day they usually tend to be fun in their own right. Cover Orange and the Bobby Carrot series in particular are quite enjoyable.

    Also, sorry if it seemed like I was jumping on your case. I highly respect your opinions on games and you're certainly entitled to one on this as well. I just tend to get a bit defensive when people start down the "ban the clone" road when it doesn't seem necessary. And since you mentioned Temple Run, which is a game I enjoy as well, it turns out that a lot of those new "knock-offs" are actually better than the "original". Of course, there are some in that genre I'd love to see banned as well :rolleyes:
  18. Honestly, I didn't even look at who the developer is. I saw birds being thrown at stuff and immediately ignored it.
    I don't deny there are some very good games that can be inspired by successful games. Unfortunately, there are probably 100 crappy ones for every good one that comes out (don't quote me on that, I know it might be an exaggeration :p).

    And why did Zynga get hell for copying Nimblebit, but it's ok for indie developers to do the same thing?
  19. Btw, did anyone actually try that game see if it's any good? ;)
  20. Teagan

    Teagan Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    No, we were waiting for you to be the guinea pig:) I refuse to due to principal. I don't like spamming and refuse to play a game called "Mad Chickens" that looks like a weak version of AB. That's not a similar genre, it's a complete copy. At the very least if one is going to be that obvious, don't call it "mad chickens". Lololol Or chuck something else in the air lol

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