I swear I played this one a couple of years ago about the same time Nat Geo released that Green Town time management game. I just bought it and didn't get the iTunes update message, so maybe it is a release?
Yes, I just finished it. I think you would enjoy it. @moonwalls yes, finished train and left comments on the link you provided. I liked it better than the first one. A couple tweaks here and there but overall great game!
Funny you should say that, because it sounded familiar to me as well. Of course, I've been a Big Fish Games member for several years, so that's probably where I remember it from. I'm sure I would if I had an iPad
Have you tried any of the 3D room escape games from bored.com? I haven't had the chance to play them yet, but they are all free, and at least graphically they look pretty sweet. The latest one is Escape 3D: The Factory.
Anyone tried Mystery Agnecy games? For example this one? http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id422584067?mt=8
I have and am not a fan (mystery agency). I just finished Lechuzza and although it was short, I enjoyed it for $0.99!!! Moonwalls , you should grab this one today while on sale. Why does BigFish put out games w in app purchase only to put out the full version weeks later and call it "new". The full version may be new but the game is NOT new lol very misleading. I still have games on my wish list but REFUSE to pay the full price (btwn $7-$9). I've made that mistake too many times lol What was the game where there is a hospital and the patients turned to zombies. The goal was to find the wife and child. Each floor was like a maze and you had to put lanterns down to see. I'm blanking out on the name lol
@moonwall empress of the deep and The Serpent of Isis are both $3.99 today for iPad. They are both big fish games and I think they have lite versions. Either way, the price is good. I, of course, paid full price
Ok, wild stab in the dark here (pardon the pun) but the game I believe @Teagan is referring to is Darkest Fear. Non-Interesting fact: Game brought to the appstore by......ROVIO GAMES! Yep, the guys who also made some sort of Bird throwing game
I actually wondered if that might be the game in question, but I guess I never considered it an "adventure" game. But before you ask, I'm not really sure what I'd classify it as. I thought it was a pretty cool game, though. I was also aware of its origins - it's one of the 50+ games or so they made before hitting it big
Shows the benefit of perseverence i suppose Waaaaay off the topic spectrum of ios only, but I thought that since people are of a like-mind here, I thought I would suggest a great game I have recently started playing which I would love if they brought to ios. The game is called "Gemini Rue" and is a detective Noir adventure game set in a dystopian future and basically looks like it was made in Scummmv. http://www.wadjeteyegames.com/gemini-rue.html Highly recommended far all fans of point and clickers. Normal service may resume, sorry for detracting from the ios only games, but I really like this one.
Since it's clear we're all iOS fans, I think it's okay to deviate once in a while as long as we stick to at least discussing adventure games I have all the Blackwell games from that same developer, but I haven't actually played any of them yet. I believe all their adventure games are written using the Adventure Game Studio, and I know there has been a lot of discussion about porting it to the iPhone / iPad. Unfortunately, I think the discussions usually end in "not going to happen". It's too bad, because if that engine did ever make it to the iOS platform, we'd instantly have access to hundreds of new adventure games. Some of them are actually even pretty good. That would be so awesome.
That's not the game I am thinking of. I think I may have to go through all my purchased apps and look for it. Gosh I know you guys know what I'm talking about. Lol I take that back....it was DARKEST FEAR! lol the name did not sound familiar! Lololol However, it has been on my mind and I was unable to think of it. I actually enjoyed that game.
I still need a recommendation for a good game now that you helped solve the DARKEST FEAR dilemma lol btw thanks for the help !
I'm afraid that Darkest Fear is no longer available in AppStore. I have a little suggestion - what do you think, about sorting games on the list in alphabetical order?
Darkest Fear has actually been gone for quite a while. I contacted Rovio to find out what happened but never got a response from them. As for the list, you can actually sort by any column simply by clicking on the text for the column header (so in your case, click on the word Title).