Universal Lionheart: Dark Moon (by Emerald City Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KevinECG, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. bigghurt

    bigghurt Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2012
    KevinECG the red bandit mission on skein doesn't work for me. Also the beat 25 multiplayer missions is literally impossible for anyone who hasn't spent a massive amount of money as I'm only 295 attack I think and most fights are 300-1100 attack so I'm lucky if I beat two a day and I tried to skip fights and it just got worse.
  2. pshyologer

    pshyologer New Member

    Oct 19, 2017

    Thanks for the Quick response Kevin!

    Also i forgot to mention, that have you guys thought adding an option to trade tokens for:
    -currency (gold/crown depending on rarity)
    -the heroes better tier tokens (e.g. 4 common wolf tokens for 1 rare wolf tokens)
    -other random tokens (e.g. 4 random rare tokens for 1 very rare)
  3. Witlogic

    Witlogic Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Economy and Progression Tuning

    As unwise as I think it is to allow a user forum dictate your game tuning, I concur with the other posters pointing out how broken the existing economy and progression tuning are. I'm a player and mid-tier payer in other games of this genre. I love the production values and overall polish of this game but gave up after a week.
  4. sirgrail

    sirgrail Member

    Mar 19, 2009
    I managed to complete that quest with some work. The strategy that worked for me was to lose fights. Since you can fight in the Arena as much as you want, just keep fighting and don't be afraid to lose. If you lose a fight, you drop in rank and if you drop far enough, you eventually find someone you can beat. I think I had to do about 50-60 Arena fights to finish the quest, but I got there eventually.
  5. Googgi78

    Googgi78 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    It bad enough with the gold situation but....

    So boy oh boy is this game a grind. Totally agree with everyone regard the gold rewards being the worst part of this game. I’ve been doing decent so far, but starting yesterday I can’t even do levels in auto mode to farm. On the first or second board of any stage I choose the game freezes. Characters are still bouncing around and their idle anamations playing, but neither my group or the enemies are attacking. I try to take out of auto and turn the speed down from 4x, but nothing works. Don’t worry though the game doesn’t glitch about deducting the amount of energy the board cost (2nd worst resource in the game). At this point I’m going to stop playing altogether until I see patches going out to fix all that is broken.
  6. KevinECG

    KevinECG Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2013
    What team are you using? If there is a Mirror Whelp in there that is a known issue that is fixed for the next update. If not, please let me know.
  7. Googgi78

    Googgi78 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    Thanks Kevin, I did have one on my team. Was able to use all my energy on auto runs with him off the team. Is there a list somewhere of all the known issues thus far? Would save us some heartache and posts for you to have to answer.
  8. g0d3r1k

    g0d3r1k New Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    No progress in daily quest

    I can't find a way to finish a daily called "Vaultkeeper (In Training)" I don't know what I have to do, the quest has a bug? BTW loving the game!
  9. Motz

    Motz New Member

    Nov 11, 2017
    Crazy difficulty

    Besides the gold shortage, which I completely agree is a problem, the biggest hurdle for me with the game is the un-even difficulty scaling. The strength rating needed to for new zones or even new levels within zones often jumps by hundreds of points at a time. Even the Naga special event that started yesterday had this. First 3 levels were very easy. 4th suddenly jumped to a strength of 400 which I can sorta understand for a new tier. But then the 5th which I'm stuck on now is strength 938!

    Also unreasonably tough is the centaur queen boss Koscha. When I kill her, she auto revives... With 100% health! And then she inevitably kills my already weakened party. Is this a bug? I've seen other creatures revive but only with a small portion of their original health.
  10. Abortizz

    Abortizz New Member

    Nov 16, 2017
    Tutorial bug?

    I get stuck very early in the game. I got a silver key and it instructs me to drag it.

    No matter how I grab and try to drag it won’t let me.......disappointing the game looked fun.
  11. Abortizz

    Abortizz New Member

    Nov 16, 2017
    iPhone. Can’t pass tutorial for silver key

    It’s been several days now. I get to the first silver key tutorial and it won’t let me drag the key to summon. Tried uninstalling. I’m up to date on IOS. tried different phone.

    I even tried logging in to a different gamecenter account and it always gets stuck at 69%.

    Can we get a patch to address this bug? What’s going on? iPhone 6.
  12. darkhalzen

    darkhalzen New Member

    Dec 8, 2017
    Huge bug

    im in the 3rd mission to kill the reaver boss and already ran into a game breaker! i try to play the mission and after it loads it says error loading characters please try again later. then it goes back to the open world map screen and freezes.

    Attached Files:

  13. 4Brandon

    4Brandon New Member

    Dec 11, 2017
    Guild donations

    Why is it that when I donate anything, my total donations aren’t updated properly? This has caused issues within my guild... help please.
  14. Mantoya

    Mantoya New Member

    Dec 13, 2017
    Dark Moon hero’s that are unlocked not selectable

    I have unlocked numerous hero’s but they are still grayed out. How do I fix this?
  15. triqui

    triqui Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Venice, Italy
    cant play with latest update

    every time I launch the game it says there is a new update available, but when I open the App Store it says the app is up to date and I only have the "open" button.
  16. ShockRiot

    ShockRiot New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
    Terrible Support

    Love the game, but support is terrible. I’ve sent a few emails to their support email address to report bugs and ask questions but still have not received a single reply. The first one I sent was about 2 or 3 months ago.

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