Thanks for your post. Please try to force restart the game and it should clear up for you. We have a fix in place for all other users who are stuck. This shouldn't be an issue for new users now either. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for your posts guys. Please try to force restart the game and it should clear up for you. We have a fix in place for all other users who are stuck. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for playing.
Played this a few levels.. Completely different game from tactics. Not sure why it's advertised as resemblance to lionheart tactics? One of my fav game. OK back to feedback. 1. I am running ios 11 on 6s plus. 2. The graphics are top notch.. Crisp and colorful. 3. The battle is either leaking memory or some shit.. Whenever I execute a skill it will slow-mo moves to the enemy and slow-mo hit it.. Especially with the melee character. 4. Anyway to speed up battles? It's way way too slow for anyone's liking I believe, that is after fixing the memory leak or whatsnot. The acceptable speed must be at least 3x the current one. Lionheart tactics doesn't have this issue. Will continue playing!
Nice feedback, thanks. The game is most certainly a completely different game than LHT but it is based in the same magical land with the a number of similar units. We will check out the memory leak you mentioned. Once you are done the tutorial you will be able to play at 1X, 2X or 4X speed.
Actually, do you mind commenting here or sending a PM with where you are seeing this? Just want to make sure. Sounds like you are describing the normal game-play and slo-mo possibly.
@KevinECG I bought a diamond pack this morning, but didn't get anything. You should really fix the IAP ASAP, or it will ruin your game :/ Any solution please? It's kind of pricy and Apple already confirmed my purchase... Thanks!
The only thing i like about this game is the graphics. Everything else is bad. You will get very soon stuck in the story and only way to advance is to soend money or wait a couple of days. You can play like 20 minutes before you run out of energy and it takes 10 minutes to regenerate just 1 energy. Pvp is who spent more so i dont even bother.
Nope, lucky you though! I was sad that I can't buy the unicorn pack. That thing is ridiculous right now for PvP. I went the the Wyld healer pack and she's good too. Energy is a killer for this game. With the amount of coins you earn and the real world cost for crowns to buy more energy it's gonna turn people off fast. Also another bug, went to refresh my side quests and got zero new ones.
Thanks for the feedback. We will look into the energy system for you guys. Can you tell me when you tried to refresh the quests? It won't work during the tutorial.
Nice to see you back playing another Lionheart title! Can you let me know where you were playing prior to getting those? Did they show up after a restart?
Hi there, I just newly opened the arena function and encountered some heavy lag and after a few restart, 5 gold keys is there. I am so puzzled, I was thinking is there some kind of event giveaway or login giveaway. Is this the first time u hear this? Or this is a real bug?