Linezeta! Man this game...

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Just_Tiu4U, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. Just_Tiu4U

    Just_Tiu4U New Member

    Nov 5, 2013
    I have been playing this game called Linezeta for a while and it has been a great experience for me. When I first saw the game, I thought it was just another shoot ‘em up Mecha game like Gundam or something, but it’s actually deeper than what it seems to be.

    First off, the game style uses a puzzle system to know which ones in your team will attack. It’s like playing a Bedazzled but with more action in it. Every turn of the game is really engaging because of it’s own style

    And there’s a lot of Zeta Machines (or ZM for short) that you can collect in game, The game also has a lot of intricate details and skill with each one of them that the possibilities of making your own team is endless!

    Once I started playing the game I was a goner, I never dropped my cellphone for hours… I just wanted to share it since I haven’t read it here.

    So what do you guys think? here's the link to the game in google play if your interested.

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