Lima Sky bringing down the hammer.. [update: Lima Sky responds, withdraws the notice]

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. Doodleunite

    Doodleunite New Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    #221 Doodleunite, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
    You want the truth, you can't handle the truth!
  2. Acceleroto

    Acceleroto Well-Known Member

    All I see is a little thumbnail of something.
  3. idragoncool

    idragoncool Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Rock Musician
    cannot see d:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. crex

    crex Doctor of Game of the Week-ology

    Oct 18, 2010
    Everywhere and Nowhere
    I Can't See It!
  5. LameCloud

    LameCloud New Member

    Jan 14, 2011
  6. Doodleunite

    Doodleunite New Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Thanks, having problems making it big ;)
  7. crazygambit

    crazygambit Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2010
    That is indeed very telling, though not particularly surprising given what we knew so far.
  8. iPhoneGlobs

    iPhoneGlobs Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    Software Developer
    #228 iPhoneGlobs, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
  9. Mobile Amusements

    Mobile Amusements Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2009
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    United Kingdom
    #229 Mobile Amusements, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
    Reading that document it looks to me like a case of the right arm not knowing what the left arm was doing perhaps? either that, or a severe backpeddle occurred as a damage limitation exercise after the event.
  10. mean_monkey

    mean_monkey Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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  11. idragoncool

    idragoncool Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Rock Musician
    #231 idragoncool, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
    i wonder if "PapiJump" get on Lima Sky's faces what is going to happen?
  12. iPhoneGlobs

    iPhoneGlobs Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
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    #232 iPhoneGlobs, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2011
    A more full statement from Igor was this:
    The notice overreached in asking Apple to remove the games and named some games that probably should not have been singled out.

    We never intended to have those games removed from the App Store, only to insist that infringing elements from those games (i.e. a title that infringes our trademark or a character that infringes our copyright) be changed. And we have made this clear to every developer who has contacted us -- you don't need to take your game down, but you need to change the infringing elements.
    So he did admit to asking Apple to remove the apps but evidently that was not the intention.

    Surprised they mention their pending request on the Doodle trademark. Just wish we could put all this behind us. Can't we all just get along and share the app store in peace and harmony?
  13. Mobile Amusements

    Mobile Amusements Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2009
    Mobile & Indie Games Developer
    United Kingdom
    #233 Mobile Amusements, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
    Yes, from the facts presented and also available to the public online it would appear that this opposition to the use of the mark 'Doodle' in Class IC 09 was based on a pending request which Lima Sky have since stated has now been withdrawn.

    Interestingly the mark 'Doodle' on just checking the US TM database myself belongs and is 'actually registered' to someone else already in Class IC 09 albeit not game software as such but other computer software.

    For the record I own the mark 'Dweebs' in the UK at least in 2 classes and think I'm going to register 'Doodlebug' soon also methinks given it's 20th birthday is due soon as a computer game at least.
  14. farley

    farley Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    Yep, they were asking for removal of apps based on a pending request on a trademark... :rolleyes:
    That's either really dumb or really greedy. I suspect both.
    How can you ask for these other apps to be removed based on a pending trademark request that had no chance in hell of getting approved?!
    Why don't we all just make pending requests for trademarks on every single word in the English language and then demand that Apple remove ALL apps from the App Store whilst we wait for the results of our trademark requests?
    Yeah, I know, that's really dumb and screwed up, right? But it's just as dumb and screwed up as what Lima Sky attempted to do.

    So they're dumb, greedy, and they're liars too... Wow! Way to go Lima Sky, you scored three out of three.
  15. Mobile Amusements

    Mobile Amusements Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2009
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    United Kingdom
    #235 Mobile Amusements, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
    +1 really yes and indeed what worries me more than a little moreover is that Apple legal dept were basically acting on this letter of intent with no actual legal grounding in registered reality as such - it was all pie in the sky regards the mark 'Doodle' at least.

    If we all did that we'd all be screwed.
  16. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    This thread disappoints me.
  17. flaming-mitten

    flaming-mitten Well-Known Member

    Actually quite surprised to see our name in that document re: infringing on game art/play mechanics :(

    Game art...well, yes, is in the "Doodle" style, so it's always going to be lumped in as a similar looking thing. But everything in the game was made from scratch by us...Including real stop motion animations for the boss deaths.

    Play mechanics :

    DJ - you jump a cartoon creature up the screen using tilt controls
    DG - Is a vertically scrolling shoot-em-up, using touch controls to move a spaceship.

    pretty similar looking.....obviously.
    pretty similar playing.....I don't see how.

    It's a fairly disappointing state of affairs, when their public statement states one thing, but the letter sent to those involved states pretty much the opposite.

    Aaaaaaanyways, looks like it's been a flash in the pan, and all is still well.

    I think the boycotting of DJ, and setting reviews to 1star is a little silly though.
    The game is still good, still selling relatively well, and is still 100% the best known "Doodle Game" there is, or probably ever will be.
    They took a style, and made it mainstream.

    I liken it to this :

    In the UK, a lot of recent pop music is very very influenced by Dubstep.
    But you don't get producers who have been making Dubstep for years trying to stop newer producers from using the styles that they originated (unless of course they sample them, or use parts of music that they made). They made a style, and now that style is a mainstream thing that other people have taken on board.

    My point is.. yes, go after the Doodle Jumpers, and the games out there that have used Lima's artwork lock stock, but don't go after something in a similar style.(which it seems they are not now...but I'll keep watching my inbox for a follow up email from them)
  18. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    Game Development, Music
    CA, USA
    I'm just curious how so?
    Or are you are referring to the subject of the thread?
    A story worthy of not one but two headlines on TA's front page is sure to stir up some discussion?

    Personally I don't think bashing remarks towards LS will have any positive benefit but, as a whole this thread has been quite an example of .

    It just shows that the gaming community is made up real people and not just a head counts worth .99 cents.

    I certainly didnt expect such a debate when i started the thread (thus the fact it's in the upcoming section)

    I figured a few hardcores would make fun of us for having a doodle game and it would disappear into nothingness in about 40min like usual! :rolleyes:
  19. mehware

    mehware Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    The Plot Thickens...
  20. Scrooge

    Scrooge Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2010
    I agree. The OP itself makes perfect sense and it was important to hear that other apps had been targeted as well, but some of the responses are way over the top. The issue was resolved quickly and fairly. Igor is no Tim Langdell.

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