Lima Sky bringing down the hammer.. [update: Lima Sky responds, withdraws the notice]

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. Lonan

    Lonan Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2009
  2. Mod Monkeys

    Mod Monkeys Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    Funny how they said they only wanted to defend themselves and that they didn't want to remove the Apps from the marketplace.

    When I ran into trouble with my app because of the doodle theme, they actually contacted Microsoft instead of me. Microsoft took my app down INSTANTLY. It took me 4 weeks to get it back online with the changes I've made because the other side just ignored me and Microsoft wanted to hear from them that they are okay with me changing the name and style of my app. They just ignored my mails and Microsoft refused to bring my app back online.

    When I finally got Microsoft to review the updated version of the game, they sent a mail to the Lima Sky in order to proceed with the new release. Lima Sky instantly sent a mail to both me and Microsoft in which they said that my changes aren't enough because even though I removed all the doodle graphics and changed the name because the design of the top score bar and the background and platform colors are still their idea. A TOP SCORE BAR?? ARE YOU SERIOUS?? They wrote to Microsoft that they shall not restore my application until the above items are resolved. They definitely wanted it to be DOWN for a long time a.k.a. forever.

    Gladly, Microsoft ignored this stupid claims and my app is up and running and a lot of people love it. I have to say I'm really glad that I changed the graphics style of my game that much, it's just so sweet looking now.
  3. don_k

    don_k Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2008

  4. CGSColin

    CGSColin Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    This is troubling, to say the least.
  5. Therealtrebitsch

    Therealtrebitsch Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2010

    It is obvious, that they are just jerks with no honor at all.

    I invented black, so nobody are allowed to use it! From now on, you have to write your posts in another color.
  6. Jyankee30

    Jyankee30 Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2010
    New York
    I don't think Lima Sky will be troubled by everyone's disdain. They'll make new apps, update doodle jump, get featured by apple and all will be fine in the world of Doodle.
  7. eev

    eev Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2009
    you mean new versions of dj?
  8. Jyankee30

    Jyankee30 Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2010
    New York
    dj for iPad.
  9. farley

    farley Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    Ha ha ha! That's the funniest thing in this whole thread! Lima Sky make new apps? You must be kidding me! OK, so maybe they will make more apps, but if they're as crap as their other apps apart from Doodle Dump, then no-one's got anything to worry about. Seriously, have you seen their other apps?
    These guys are the ultimate definition of a one-hit wonder!
  10. Jyankee30

    Jyankee30 Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2010
    New York
    This will be their next cash cow.
  11. XDT

    XDT New Member

    Jan 13, 2011
    The other side of "the other side of the story"?

    We are disappointed. We (Cross-Discipline Tech. Ltd) also received the request asking us to stop using "Doodle" on "Glow Doodle" We responded to Apple stating that we believe Glow Doodle is not infringing Lima Sky's IP. And we were waiting for our lawyer's advise until we saw the statement that Lima Sky is withdrawing the notices.

    But the statement further disappointed us to certain extent (apart from the fact that they claim they withdrew the notices). Here's our impression on "the other side" of "the other side of the story":

    =============== Lima Sky's Statement ==============
    "So, if the name of your game is so close to Doodle Jump that people think Lima Sky created it, we are asking you to change that.

    Really? We've received reply from your lawyer that the notices is sent to ALL games with "Doodle" in the title. So "close to Doodle Jump" means ALL apps having the word "Doodle"? If so, on what base would you say apps/games having the word "Doodle" will make people think Lima Sky created it? We are confused.

    =============== Lima Sky's Statement ==============
    There was absolutely no rush to call a game "Doodle Something" until Doodle Jump became famous. Then many developers began jumping on the bandwagon whether their game had any doodled elements in it or not. They were simply trading on the fame of Doodle Jump, for which Lima Sky has a trademark.

    When did Doodle Jump actually start to get famous? Like some others, Cross-Discipline actually had already used "Doodle" to name our doodling app about a month ahead of Doodle Jump's release. Even putting release date aside, what makes you think using the word "Doodle" on a charactor-jumping game is more reasonable than using it on a doodling app? We are not sure if you still think that's reasonable. But wasn't that going to far as to forbid doodling apps from using "Doodle"?

    =========== Lima Sky's Statement ================
    That notice was sent out largely to protect our Doodle Jump trademark from threats of being canceled by Bryan Duke's big-house law firm.

    So does that mean at the expense (and what we think unnecessary expense in most cases) of most other indie developers, your intention was "largely" to protect your good self?

    For developers, like us, who believe they are not infringing Lima Sky's IP, some chose to give up their apps name (who knows, even it seems Lima Sky would afraid their Doodle Jump trademark could somehow be cancelled). Some, like us, chose to tell Apple our belief and take the foudamentally unnecessary risk. Because everyone knows such IP infringement claims, if inconclusive and escalated, would leave Apple no choice but to pull the apps in question in order to protect both Apple and the developers, until things get cleared. Even if our app might eventually proven not infringing, whether the apps were renamed or pulled, the damages would have been done. Is that fair?

    We are happy to see they withdrew the notices. But after reading the statement, as to what they really think on the topic of keeping other devs from using the word "Doodle" in future, God knows, they know, we don't know.
  12. farley

    farley Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    #212 farley, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
    OK, so we all now know that Lima Sky are backpedalling and are locking their lawyers back up, and they've issued a statement saying the case is closed.
    But, they've really gone about closing the case in the wrong way. They've tried to say, hey look it wasn't us it was our lawyer and we're just trying to protect our game, and Bryan Duke was trying to get ahead of us in the trademarks stakes, yadda yadda yadda...
    But that's total B.S. And we all know it. Bryan Duke only started his trademark queries AFTER Lima Sky had set their lawyers on all the little guys.
    So instead of us, the general public, saying hey Lima Sky don't worry it's all over and we forgive you, we're not believing their B.S. stories. Lima Sky would have been MUCH better served if they came back and said, hey guys you know what, we've been total douches, we're really sorry, we did wrong, we screwed up, and we're to blame. Maybe that way they could've saved their reputation. As it stands now though, they have not done anything to alter people's perception of them.
    And you know what, Lima Sky if you're reading this (of course you are), then hey, maybe it isn't too late actually. Try apologizing and see if that works. A little apology goes a long way.
  13. DopyG

    DopyG Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    Okay to lighten up ur moods I came with some funny offtopic names about this whole feud! Come on people lets laugh instead!

    Doodle Wars: The doodles strikes back
    Doodle Wars: A New doodle
    Doodle Wars: Return of the doodles

    Lord of the Doodles
    Lord of the Doodles: The two doodles
    Lord of the Doodles: The return of the doodle

    Doodle Fiction

    Kill Doodle Volume 1 & 2

    The Good, The Bad and The Doodles
    A fistful of doodles

    Lost Doodle
    Mulholland Doodle

    2011: A Doodle Odyssey

    Law and Order: Special Doodle Unit
    CSI: Doodle

    Yankee Doodle Dandy (thats an actual title)

    Crocodile Doodle

    Doodle can be used in alot senteces :p
  14. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    Game Development, Music
    CA, USA
    #214, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
    I don't doubt the validity in the withdrawl.
    But at this point nothing is final as far as I am concerned. Maybe it just takes time but, Apple gave me 5 days and this is day 3.
    Apple and LS's lawyer have my info (seeing as how both have sent emails to me already about changing my name)

    Also if you read the statement carefully it is a little vague about rather LS is dropping the whole thing, or just some cases. Or for that matter when it will happen.

    Meanwhile will Doodle Monster get dropped while we wait? I don't know since I have heard nothing.

    I'm gonna be super pissed if one of the ninja games tries to screw me on our next release..
    Super Kid Ninja... God knows there is no shortage of Ninja Games
    After all this it's almost tempting to try something original :rolleyes:

  15. danrel

    danrel Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Software dealings-with-er, Illustrator
    Central NC
  16. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    Game Development, Music
    CA, USA
  17. tomato937

    tomato937 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2010
    It reminds me of the Edge story.
  18. fishil

    fishil Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    TouchArcade should boycott all LimaSky's future game,
    This is a disgusting move from them.
  19. crex

    crex Doctor of Game of the Week-ology

    Oct 18, 2010
    Everywhere and Nowhere
    Looks like the whole craziness is over.

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