...And if you've got a mac, you could import the screenshot into iPhotos then click the 'attachments' button in advanced view (actually, why don't more people use the attachments function? It's far simpler, even if it doesn't show the picture at full size) to upload it onto the forum itself... ... I'm not sure if I made this clear enough, the attachment function is on the forum, not iPhoto, so windows users could use it as well...
Exactly, it's a pain the ass, but if you are dead set on using that one super efficient quest, then having a full crew that is that type would be best. The only other time efficient thing I notice most people are doing now is using low cost items to block off all room on the ship until there's only a small square of empty space left. That way each time your crew returns or there's mice, it's easy to walk to them. Again this is for those that use the quick finish button though.
Ok I got a bunch of emails saying people have invited me to the game which I assume means they added my email to their friends list. Why dont they how up on my friends list though?
So far my recipe for disaster has been as follow: Get a lot of friends. I mean a lot, right now I have round 500 friends. Accept friends request quickly. This gives you a higher chance of getting a title Spend a lot of time collecting gift. i.e. with 500 friends expect hours per day Get a ridiculous amount of doublons as a result use your doublons to "Quick Finish" jobs. There is only two jobs you want to do that with. Ransom Nobility for 3 doublons which will average around 4000 FP, more if you have quartermaster and first mate titles - And Pilfer Jeera Rice which has a typo and gives around 2200 FP for 1 doublon Spend your silver giving you 1/5 of their price in FP. Sell them for 1/5th of their price. And spend the silver again. Sell your treasures to get the silver with this I went from level 30 to 39 in two days (or is it one?)
Excellent suggestions! A couple of those ideas are things other people have brought up, so it's good to see multiple people are looking for similar features. We'll definitely have to look into these and see what we can do. When they're sending you an invite email, they're just inviting you to play the game. To add them to your League of Captains, you need to use the "Enlist" them from the League screen.
Are there any plans to unlock new levels and raise the level cap within the month or is that going to be later down the road?
LOL at the paraphrases BTW thanks to everyone who's given me a title! If anyone wants one back, please tell me... I just gave other lowranking players mine at the beginning, so I could pull those at any time. Of course, if you're the recipient and want to keep the title, say so as well
I KNOW BROSKI, lol i am wis.e or Michael in the game depending if the system updated my name..level 41..right now. i know the tricks..but this guy ..is unbelievable. if you know what i mean. i catch up and he goes up again. the only theory i can suggest is that he has a lot of doubloon in store, like obviously bought doubloons. around doing missions for a second round takes about 25 doubloons + to level up at level 41+ with lots of silver. say he has 500 frds with this he can level around 1.5 - 2 x a day. but he exceeded that and 3 times.. so i have to conclude he doesnt eat sleep, or drink and does continual 15 sec, 1 min or 30 min or he just has a lot and I MEAN ALOTTTTTTT of doubloons lol. on the side..is the update coming out anytime soon? ADD the leveling guy please: [email protected] XD
ah man... I gained a level spending doublons and silver to achieve it. as soon as I level up. Bam, we apologize but something as gone awry and we need to reload you ship. now I'm back 30 000 FP but my doublons and my silver is gone ah well.
Hmmm, seems there are some problems with purchasing items and getting the FP from them. I purchased a handful of the skulls and levelled up from 21-22, only to then be told there was a problem and it needed to be reloaded. After that, I was back to 21 again but still had the purchased skulls. I bought a few more to level up again, same problem. Levelled to 22, error, back to 21. Any ideas what's going on? Would have really liked all the FP I got from those, would have unlocked some good missions and spent lots of silver on those skulls to test it out ><
That's pretty sweet! I didn't even know you could do that. Lol Once I have my ship all pumped out I'll post some picks.
PM me your Cap'n Name and/or e-mail (preferably the latter) and I'll pass it along to our server guys to inspect.
thats what the community is for, support and xchanging of ideas, not hoarding them and posting mindless "catch me if you can" dumb posts. the ability to leave messages for other pirates is something very nice to have, promotes interactivity, now i cant even put up a status message for all to see etc. add the poorest pirate of all : [email protected]
arrrr..itching to catch up eh? actually there is no point to ask the question. Because there is very little ways to verify it. Depending on whom you ask and for this time, any answer you gonna get will either be : 1) a plain lie. 2) some muddy answer no one can make head or tails of. 3) a catch me if you can post add the poorest pirate of all : [email protected]
wow a pretty well designed layout. wonder what one can do with the lower half of the ship. add the poorest pirate of all : [email protected]