Bonus Chests Here's my stats for the different chests. The medium and large not very accurate, but you get the idea. I still like to variate sometimes though=) Small (Left) FP: 44% D: 33% Coins: 23% Medium (Middle) Coins: 48% FP: 41% D: 11% Large (Right) Coins: 59% FP: 24% D: 17% Cap'n Ozzy
I got very similar results for the small chest which I have a sample close to 150. For everything else I'm way off. Small: Coins: 21%, FP: 43%: D: 36$ For the medium chest I got: Coins: 42%, FP: 33% D: 25% I didn't do the large chest because after close to 30 tries I had 0 doublons
yea i always choose the 1st seems to work for me too Also how do you guys deal with 200+ gift daily?? Feel free to add me [email protected]
Potential Date???!! Big thanks to the Devs for answering everyones questions, and actually considering all of our ideas.. Guaranteed the magnitude of this game was not anticipated by you guys, so congrats again for keepin' everything afloat (get it? hahaha..) That being said, I did just have my first big glitch, so that's a little frustrating! My crew member came back from a two day quest, and instead of giving me silver, it not only took away the roughly 40,000 I had, but gave me a negative amount of -636!! (I think this happened to someone else too, but it was a while back, so I can't remember what he did about it, if anything..) Negative silver!! WTF??!! I feel poor... Finally, to make the title I wrote for this post make sense, the biggest question that everyone is for sure wondering, oh great, and mighty DEVs: IS THERE A POTENTIAL DATE FOR THE NEW UPDATE??? Are we talkin' a week, a month, three months?? Can you give us any ballpark estimate??? Thanks again (and I would be so stocked if any of my ideas, such as having a plank, crow's nest, or woman figurehead turned up in the new update..)
The hardest is waking up in the morning and getting that 300-500 gift push. If I'm in a rush I just open chests and ignore gifts until I have time
Would love for the dev's to optimize the game a little. Everything simply takes too long to do in bulk. If you can mess with the server loads in a smarter way, this game could be stellar =) And please, can you allow a different way to add friends besides facebook and email? I have a feeling that half the emails on this thread are the people's main email. Which makes them rather easy targets for spam =( Or allow copy and paste to work so it's easier to add ppl =)
Brutal silver glitch!! I don't know where this bug came from, but it's killing me! I had ~40,000 silver when I clicked on a returned crew member to get the reward. Instead of his silver being added, it brought me down to -636. Now I can't get it over zero! Each time (3X now) I make enough silver or sell enough treasure for it to become positive again, it brings me back to -1000!! For example, I sell enough to bring it up to -20, and then sell one more Ruined Onyx which should give me 40 silver, but instead of my total going up to +20, it brings me to -1000!!! It's happened three freakin' times!! I should have like 45,000 silver, but instead I have -1000!!... AGAIN!!! WHAT GIVES??! If it only happened once, I wouldn't have cared cuz 40,000 isn't really all that much, but if I can't ever get on the plus side anymore, I'm gonna be really sad. It won't even let me do a ship battle, cuz I can't even afford the repair costs.. I even forgot there WERE repair costs before this happened.. Is this happening to anyone else, or did I just get extremely unlucky?? WWWAAAHHHHHHHH
Hi guys...i'm level 9 and i can't buy the schooner ship or the themes neither with silver nor with dobloons. Can someone explain me what's wrong? Thanks
...finally decided to join this forum after checking it every few hours over the last week... Hey all! Pleased ta meetcha! I've already added most of the people who've posted their emails on here, but for everyone else, please add elansux @ to your fleet! Captain's name is Seiji (cookies to everyone who can guess where the reference's from). And a special shout out to Odin - hell, you're levelling up fast, man. Think you'll hit the level cap today or tomorrow at the rate you're going - there's a guy who's been at level 50 for 4-5 days, if I'm not mistaken. You can start hoarding soon Not sure if this is relevant, but you can't skip ship sizes...
Name of Sang Jin, if he's not on your list I probably got his email off of the Facebook page. [edit]Just found it again, his email's [email protected] if anyone's interested ... and this is irrelevant, but I've got 14 mice all huddled together in a neat little grid... but where the heck is the 15th!?
All in favor for adding a "collect all gifts" or "collect all surplus" say aye!!! Add me please. [email protected] btw anyone know what's the max lvl of friends one can have?
Personal strategies Just giving some of my strategies. Small chest gives the most gold. I keep my upper deck filled with stuff so I don't have to walk so far to meet my crew. But still a mouse hides up there I think it's just in front of the wheel. I found that by going to the move command and then back it relocates the last sneaky mouse to the main deck. I send my crew out on long quests just before I go to bed. The sell all button works for me on treasure island. what is the bug there? For the DEVS. When visiting a friends ship and you go back to the list it brings you to the top every time. Can it be done where it brings you back to the slot where you were previously? Maybe a counter showing total number of friends also? All in all this is a fantastic game and I look forward to future versions. I'm already on kilroys list but leaving my email here also. [email protected]
I've got 291... and +1 for the being returned to where you were when visiting friends idea. Has anyone else gotten the 'Gift expired' message? I've gotten it twice and hit 'OK' before I could stop myself both times. What does it actually say?
Beer games. Is it just me or do the mini games get harder as you level up? I no longer get the 6 fish option anymore just 8 and the knife balancing seems to take longer now. I usually keep a supply of beer in the 50 to 60 range.
Noticed the same. I still like the Follow My Lead best. The first two are easy to remember, then you ignore the last one and purposely miss on the last one to finish quicker. ryunii [at]
For everyone buying items in order to gain FP, silver gives you about twice as much (using the 2000 silver = 1 gold exchange rate) as gold does, so there is a point to exchanging silver. And I've been wanting to say this since forever, but I bet Odin's method (whatever it is) helps him amass copious amounts of gold, not silver, based on the items on his ship... I mean, most of them (including the floor!) could only be bought with gold. Just a thought.
Ahoy Capt'n Seiji!!! as from my POV, yup... it is not bad to exchange gold to silver (for lower levels). for higher levels, it is better to use the gold to instantly finish the mission. can you check the 6th box (from the map) - the one with the tower like structure with the gold colored SHIP (to battle with)? on the left side of the battleship (as I am not sure on what level it will be unlocked), the reward for finishing the mission is FP: 2131 and Silver: 8221. As for this one, it is better to use 3 golds to finish it instantly rather than exchanging 3 golds to silver... Exchange 3 golds to silver converts to 6000 silvers... wherein if you buy items costing to 6000 silver, only 1200 FPs will be given compared with 8000 items. Just my two cents... I hope I'm making a sense here. at first, i'm doubting if I should make this message as it will become a spoiler for the game. LOL yet, just want to share and check if my logic is correct.