That's because people here are insane! How is Tiger Woods winning? No unlockables, gay stat editing, iron's make a ping noise, it's ridiculously easy, there's only 3 characters.... I could go on, I'll give it up to Tiger for having 7 courses and a 4 player mode though. The control scheme also very nice, I wouldn't say revolutionary though, it's just like an analog stick but you draw instead. Let's Golf is by far the best between the 2, a little less modes but the graphics far superior, the sound far superior, iron's sound like irons, there's stuff to unlock, it can be hard. That and Tiger Woods costs more, so I think it's a no contest personally.
That sir is a dumb thing to say. You don't know why you miss shots in Let's Golf? That's weird because I've been using the exactly same 3 button press meter since the start, and it's easy to know why you screws up. Tell me seriously, which one do you think you have more of a chance screwing up on? Tiger Woods' meter takes forever to go blue, it's too easy getting a 100% shot with 100% boost. Atleast in LG it's not a guarantee you're going full power EVERY shot you can.