Let me tell you why I am wearing this had made of tin foil

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Rafnel, May 4, 2012.

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  1. Rafnel

    Rafnel Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    #1 Rafnel, May 4, 2012
    Last edited: May 5, 2012
    So this is my first apple product. An 8gig iPod Touch 4th gen. It can do a lot of cool things right? It has some of the worst technical issues I have ever encountered. iTunes is likely the worst application I have ever used. When I first started using my iPod and didn't know much, I would connect my ipod to my computer to charge. it would auto sync, and with this syncing process, it would decide to add all of this "other" space to my ipod.. I went through a ton of support to see how to fix this and they were all like HURRR DURRR it adds other files cause it needs to HURRR DURRR So they're saying that my 8GB ipod is really 4GB, right? So eventually what I had to do was restore my ipod to bring that monstrous other size down to it's normal .5GB or so, which is still huge. I also turned off auto syncing so that I could charge my ipod without it adding other space that I really don't want or need. Another problem that has arisen is that I put a few of my CDs (about 60 songs) onto my itunes library. I want these on my iPod to listen to. Well, the dumb stupid iTunes decides to be like "Hey, to get your songs from your library to your ipod, you need to sync!" Well I don't want to sync because it causes a problem. Guess I'm not going to get any of my songs from my itunes library because itunes is one of the worst piles of crap ever invented. Another punch in the face is that when I contacted support it said I needed to buy some support plan to be able to call them about my problems with THEIR product! Great! I know I'm raging but I think it's rightfully so because this is terrible design! Want to listen to music from your itunes library on your ipod? NO! you have to sync and add 3 gigs of other! I'm done after this iPod! I'll buy a kindle fire or whatever comes after that or just a simple mp3 player! I'm done! UGHHH. EDIT: fixed ignorant part of rant. sorry.
  2. crex

    crex Doctor of Game of the Week-ology

    Oct 18, 2010
    Everywhere and Nowhere
  3. S.I.D. CrAzY

    S.I.D. CrAzY Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
  4. Rafnel

    Rafnel Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
  5. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    China called... They want their wall back.
  6. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010

    iTunes -> Help -> iTunes tutorials -> Sync to your iPod.

    Sorry to bash you here, but artificial intelligence can't beat natural stupidity.
  7. Teknikal

    Teknikal Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Belfast N Ireland
    I actually agree with you about itunes I've really never used a worse application it's done more to put me off ever buying an Apple computer than anything else, I think that and Safari are the only program's that have crashed on me in the last 5 years and it does it every month or so, sometimes it also had crashes while syncing and means you have to restore the iPod.

    The iPod itself serves me ok but itunes usually winds me up, I think your main issue is buying an 8gb and thinking it would be enough space though I struggle myself with 64gb. My advice is buy something with a lot of storage and ideally with micro sdhc or micro sdxc compatibility.

    I'm on windows for reference I have heard itunes is much more stable on OSX but I can't shake the feeling apple are just terrible at software.
  8. walsh06

    walsh06 Well-Known Member

    I don't like your rant style. You posed a question and then just said a different sentence after. You should work on your rants a bit.
  9. Rafnel

    Rafnel Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    The manual tells me nothing I don't already know or that is useful. it doesn't say why syncing adds 2gigs or more of other space making my 8gig ipod a 4gig or 3gig one (it already comes as a 6.4 gig ipod cause of preloaded software.) I know how to stop auto syncing. It doesn't say how to download songs from your library without having to sync which causes the other problem as I have said. Being my first ipod, I had no clue that having an 8gig iPod would be problematic, they should have said it would.
  10. Barcâ

    Barcâ Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    #10 Barcâ, May 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2012
    While everyone is entitled to their opinion, you need to organize your thoughts and comments in such a way, so that, the TA Community can understand what you are getting at.

    iTunes is not the worst application out there, but it is severely flawed. Your experience with iTunes is cause because of your ignorance (Defined as: Lack of knowledge; not an insult) of the application. Once you learn how to use it properly you can limit the amount of errors that it causes. There are check boxes that you can click that will allow you to either sync all of a certain type of media, i.e. Music, Videos, Photos, or Apps. Or you can un-check those boxes and individually check off all the artists/albums/photo albums/tv-shows/movies/apps that you want.

    That option allows a finer control over what media gets synced to your iPod.

    As for the "Other" orange part. Thats a huge mess-up on Apple's part. That has infuriated me since the dawn of time, and I have yet to find a suitable answer for it. None of the support forums have answers, and none of the technical advisors on the phone have answers.

    Apple products are better than a majority of other products, and I can gurantee you that you will buy another Apple product in the future.
  11. Rafnel

    Rafnel Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    I was just venting. First thing that comes to mind is the first thing I wrote down. There was not supposed to be any sort of order at all in my rant.
  12. Barcâ

    Barcâ Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    User Error accounts for more issues in tech than anything else combined. You just do not know how to use the device and software effectively yet.

    You are making the mistakes more so than the program is. The program is a tool designed to help you, and not knowing how to use the tool results in the issues you are having. Your frustrations are caused by your ignorance. (Again not an insult)
  13. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    How to fix your problem

    step 1: If your iPod is still returnable return it

    Step 2: Buy a bigger iPod

    Step 3: If none of the above work buy a zune

    Also turning on the option "only sync checked songs and videos" would probably help you a lot. Not to mention checking off all apps you dont want synced.
  14. Rafnel

    Rafnel Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    #14 Rafnel, May 5, 2012
    Last edited: May 5, 2012
    Yeah, I figured out how to uncheck the stuff. My main issue was the "other" thing. Sorry for the ignorance. I just get raged over how I can't sync without other going up to 2 gigs.
  15. EB1089

    EB1089 Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    Of course I don't know your financial situation (and it's none of my business) and even though it's too late now, I would've opted for the "midway" option which is the 32GB model. I mean 8GB is seriously small considering the average person's digital music library which is dynamic meaning you're always going to add more songs and thus your library's going to grow. And that's not considering apps, games, books, documents, etc. you may put onto the device. For most people, I think 64GB at $400USD is a little too much even for myself. I have about 880 songs which is about 5GB and about 2GB worth of games. And since Apple likes to release slightly modified editions of its hardware every year, most people are going to upgrade and $400/yr seems a bit much. 32GB for most is the best option imo.

    Second, Apple is right: your iPod touch creates extra data pertaining to particular apps that you sync onto the device. For instance, if you add a game to your iPod touch and would like to resume from your previous point the next time you decide to play, the game save data has to go *somewhere* as it's not magically going to "just work" somehow.

    And last, you don't have to sync music to your iPod touch. You can treat it like a mounted drive and simply drag 'n drop music files right onto the flash memory. The only thing about that is that setup will conflict with your iTunes library and if something ever happened to your iPod touch (e.g. stolen, breaks, etc.) and you lose all your music that was stored on the device, it's gone. In that sense, the iTunes library acts like a back up of sorts. At first, I hated iTunes sync but just recently I've come to enjoy it actually and takes a lot of work off your hands, especially when you have a pretty big collection of music to manage.
  16. Rafnel

    Rafnel Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    I don't think the "other" category is going up because of real files. It only goes up when I sync, not when I make a savegame. When I sync it'll go up dramatically like 2gigs for no reason. I doubt that's savegame
  17. EB1089

    EB1089 Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    Actually, purchasing a Zune might not be such a great idea. Just out of curiosity about a month ago, I checked to see how much the discontinued Zunes went for online...and they're preeetttyyy pricey, as in *starting* at $400, $500. But you're right and I get your point. =0)
  18. EB1089

    EB1089 Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    Ohhh, okay. I didn't quite understand what you meant originally. Well, I agree with another forum member when they said to possibly see if you can return the unit as it may be - *may be* - faulty. There's a chance it might because an additional 2GB of "ghost" data to just sync is ridiculous.

    A close buddy of mine has an 8GB and she just listens to music: no games, apps, etc. and I've never seen anything like that on hers (I know because she's a tech boob and I set it up for her, lol). Or maybe that's Apple's way of trying to get you to spend money for one of the two "premium" editions of the iPod touch... o_O
  19. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    As far as I know, voice memos and anything that does not obviously go into "Music", "Movies" or the other pre-defined categories is labelled as "Other".

    From what you described, my guess is during the initial set-up you let iTunes take everything on your computer and cram it all together into iTunes itself. Go through every option on the left and see what you have under each.

    Personally I'd recommend wiping iTunes clean and starting over - by only adding what you want. I've never had a problem from day one.

    (Also jailbreaking can sometimes add a lot of wasted space, apparently)
  20. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    That was actually supposed to be a joke since this is an iOS forum lo. i do see your point and can't deny that zunes are pretty nifty devices

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